Error starting Plutus Server


just getting started with Plutus here and new to the nix environment. Whenever I start running the the server I get the following error and can’t seem to figure out what/where the issue is. any help would be greatly appreciated.

[nix-shell:/plutus/plutus-playground-server]$ plutus-playground-server
plutus-playground-server: for development use only
error: creating symlink from ‘/plutus/plutus-playground-server/result.tmp-248-1265401017’ to ‘/nix/store/myab7l1g7c5gi1mxhgkla9mlwzyzswb3-ghc-shell-for-packages-ghc-’: Permission denied
error: creating symlink from ‘/plutus/plutus-playground-server/result.tmp-254-1793004326’ to ‘/nix/store/b2cl29izz2h6agfn9jwfs289fh4ya6rs-plutus-playground-server-exe-plutus-playground-server-’: Permission denied
/nix/store/rm5268gvw75mmh8mhcbb9rs817wvnfhj-plutus-playground-server/bin/plutus-playground-server: line 10: /bin/plutus-playground-server: No such file or directory

What’s your operating system?

If you’re using WSL on Windows, make sure that you’ve cloned both the plutus as well as the plutus-pioneer github repo inside your WSL filesystem (for example at /home) and not your Windows filesystem.

Thanks Twitch for the response

I am running Windows OS.

Cloned everything as stated but still same error, I will try a fresh new install once I get a chance. There are some items I saw on installing a node that might be helpful.

on WSL, nix-shell command (running inside …/plutus/ folder) is throwing below error:

building ‘/nix/store/jm4m95mrzjbsvd2ffh6bf83nhmxbi9xm-dummy-ghc-’…
building ‘/nix/store/’…
fdLock: invalid argument (Invalid argument)
builder for ‘/nix/store/’ failed with exit code 1
cannot build derivation ‘/nix/store/k9cgc22kjl9l3c4rsjbp7zvdbklimbdr-Agda-plan-to-nix-pkgs.drv’: 1 dependencies couldn’t be built
cannot build derivation ‘/nix/store/1az775s1adci32g2351glcyvwlh9r8is-Agda-plan-to-nix-pkgs.drv’: 1 dependencies couldn’t be built
error: build of ‘/nix/store/1az775s1adci32g2351glcyvwlh9r8is-Agda-plan-to-nix-pkgs.drv’ failed

got this permission denied error when running nix-shell. same error if try to run plutus-playground-server

hopesy@Hope-PC:~/myplutus/plutus$ nix-shell
trace: To materialize project.plan-nix for Agda entirely, pass a writable path as the materialized argument and run the ‘updateMaterialized’ script in ‘passthru’.
trace: To materialize project.plan-nix for cabal-install entirely, pass a writable path as the materialized argument and run the ‘updateMaterialized’ script in ‘passthru’.
trace: To materialize project.plan-nix for haskell-project entirely, pass a writable path as the materialized argument and run the ‘updateMaterialized’ script in ‘passthru’.
trace: To materialize project.plan-nix for stylish-haskell entirely, pass a writable path as the materialized argument and run the ‘updateMaterialized’ script in ‘passthru’.
trace: To materialize project.plan-nix for haskell-project entirely, pass a writable path as the materialized argument and run the ‘updateMaterialized’ script in ‘passthru’.
trace: To materialize project.plan-nix for hlint entirely, pass a writable path as the materialized argument and run the ‘updateMaterialized’ script in ‘passthru’.
nix-pre-commit-hooks: updating /home/hopesy/myplutus/plutus repo
ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘.pre-commit-config.yaml’: Permission denied
An unexpected error has occurred: PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘.git/hooks/pre-commit’
Check the log at /home/hopesy/.cache/pre-commit/pre-commit.log
pid 7462’s current affinity list: 0-7
pid 7462’s new affinity list: 0-7