Error Trying to Run Node

After entering this…

“cardano-node run --topology C:\Cardano\topology.json --database-path C:\Cardano\db --socket-path C:\Cardano\db\node.socket --host-addr --port 3001 --config C:\Cardano\config.json”

I keep getting this error message…

“[BC-Studi:cardano.node.DiffusionInitializationTracer:Critical:3] [2024-11-25 19:15:51.17 UTC] DiffusionErrored CreateNamedPipe (‘C:\Cardano\db\node.socket’): invalid argument (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.)”

I found MonedaCloud/Cardano-Installation on GitHub. Installed Ubuntu and had no problems installing the node and starting the sync. Sync was fast at first. It was disrupted a couple of times by my computer going to sleep. Now, the sync is slow at 61% synced. Says it will take 4days. Any ideas on how to speed that up?

Yep, the percentage seems to be measured in time and the first few years Cardano wasn’t used that much and sync is fast, later there was a lot more activity and the sync of those later times gets slower.

Yes, quite possible.

You can use a Mithril snapshot:

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Thanks for the good info. I’m setting up Mithril now.

Using the pre-built binary ( is probably much faster than getting it to compile.

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It worked! I bootstrapped a Cardano node. Now, how do I start it again once I’ve closed out?

Mithril’s download should have created a db/ directory somewhere. Just replace your nodes db/ directory with it and start the node.

I think I got it working.

Glad that it’s working.

Took this as an opportunity to update my post from last August how I set up my play-around node:

Hey HeptaSean, I really appreciate your help and suggesting the Mithril snapshot. It saved me a ton of time. Honestly, I almost gave up. I decided to delete everything, reinstall Ubuntu, and start from scratch. Good thing I did because I had no problem after that. I must have been getting conflicts from previous installations. Anyway, thanks again for your help.

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