I’m getting error on asset name for --tx-out as well as --mint. My Cardano full node version is 1.31.0.
…/cardano/cardano-cli transaction build-raw
–fee $txnfee
–tx-in “07a1a75d4d022c6bb988c9797862998d456a1384a83feb4af568b21fa4a0dec9#0”
–tx-out addr1qyk5z9eltwxy53anlulq0yx3npapvx2ghs80kg5ghszmsyp8jyyvzx6mjrlcv80q8a22rn3decgx47km3vj4ycdyhc2qj39khr+2828691+“1 614d432e7bfbad362a5b55fe7f86d5471add05d6a834972c0b0471dd.test”
–mint “1 614d432e7bfbad362a5b55fe7f86d5471add05d6a834972c0b0471dd.test”
–minting-script-file policy/policy.script
–metadata-json-file metadata.json
–out-file matx.raw
option --tx-out:
unexpected ‘t’
expecting alphanumeric asset name, white space, “+” or end of input
I tried using different names for the asset, none of them worked. Not sure what I’m doing wrong.
Asset name here in the above example is “test”.