Hi - BP and Relay are fully synced but recently noticed both on BP and relays giving below errors below
“kind”:“ErrorPolicyTrace”,“event”:“ErrorPolicySuspendPeer (Just (ApplicationExceptionTrace (MuxError MuxBearerClosed “<socket: 44> closed when reading data, waiting on next header True”))) 20s 20s”},“sev”:“Warning”,“env”:“1.30.1:0fb43”
{“address”:“”,“kind”:“ErrorPolicyTrace”,“event”:“ErrorPolicySuspendPeer (Just (ApplicationExceptionTrace (MuxError MuxBearerClosed “<socket: 54> closed when reading data, waiting on next header True”))) 20s 20s”},“sev”:“Warning”,“env”:“1.30.1:0fb43”
Is this an issue and what does this mean ?
gLive looks Ok with plenty of peers for relay and BP has all relays.
In conclusion, as long the Producer has peers IN/OUT and TX processed then it should be fine … for more details u should search for the missed slot inside the logs (perhaps u can find something related)