Forks in gLiveView

My production node records many Forks.
What does those Forks mean?


We all seen those forks, I believe there are present because other POs are running 2 or more Producers (same pool) same time…

  • Forks - The number of forks since node start. Each fork means the blockchain evolved in a different direction, thereby discarding blocks. A high number of forks means there is a higher chance of orphaned blocks.



The forks happen when there are slot battles or height battles. You can see the forks in the logs of your node.
This is an example of a fork caused by a height battle (2nd block was produced by a block producer before it received the block minted one second before, and in this case, the second block was selected by the nodes to be the correct chain):

[2022-01-24 06:24:14.24 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: c7608663d90328f91df9dee824f55e9ee30411a8bb3794befb06357b520b3513 at slot 51439161
[2022-01-24 06:24:14.24 UTC] Block fits onto some fork: 18cd19d5af692f296494d041b4b6742cefaad7f6690da553dd0e60087237388c at slot 51439162
[2022-01-24 06:24:14.49 UTC] Switched to a fork, new tip: 18cd19d5af692f296494d041b4b6742cefaad7f6690da553dd0e60087237388c at slot 51439162


Is it possible and also ok to run 2 producers with the same 2 relays?

Yes, should not be any problems… 2 producers for 2 different pools right?

Yes 2 producers each has got an own poolid, ticker and so on.

then it’s fine, you can use your relays for x Producers.


But I have only 1 Producer Node…

The Producer had a hardware change and upgrade. I keep the same Pool ID and register, will that be the problem?

Does it mean I have been losing in slot battles or height battles?
Since I haven’t minted a block for a very long time…

Probably not. Losing slot battles and height battles has a chance of about 2-3%. There are most likely other reasons. The best way to find out the reasons is to check the leaderlog (using cncli leaderlog) and then check the logs for the time when you have assigned slots on block producer and relays.

Here is my output…

“status”: “ok”,
“epoch”: 317,
“epochNonce”: “527bfe0fb1be3d002ba535d6dd8128d6dc6d0172df5dba9491c4ff2035d82cbe”,
“epochSlots”: 0,
“epochSlotsIdeal”: 0.06,
“maxPerformance”: 0,
“poolId”: “My pool ID”,
“sigma”: 2.564944226158394e-06,
“activeStake”: very small amount,
“totalActiveStake”: 23582836244979864,
“d”: 0,
“f”: 0.05,
“status”: “ok”,
“epoch”: 316,
“epochNonce”: “0d5935c6e8736881168c623dbc0c3c84f0c79b58cdf10e5e9dc1f093e8e5aa0e”,
“epochSlots”: 0,
“epochSlotsIdeal”: 0.06,
“maxPerformance”: 0,
“poolId”: “my Pool ID”,
“sigma”: 2.997675265361233e-06,
“activeStake”: very small amount,
“totalActiveStake”: 23549369658121788,
“d”: 0,
“f”: 0.05,

And seems I have no slot assigned…

echo “`MYPOOL - $SLOTS `:slot_machine:`, $PERFORMANCE% `:four_leaf_clover:max, `$IDEAL` :brick:ideal”
MYPOOL - 0 :slot_machine:, 0% :four_leaf_clover:max, 0.06 :brick:ideal

You will need about 1.09M ADA for an average of 1 slot per epoch.

So my main problem is insufficient staking and no luck…
But any mean I can check my node is healthy to take up slots? And what are those recorded Forks mean to my gLiveView if there is no slots for my pool…

Millions thanks to your reply. :man_bowing:

The forks are caused by slot battles and height battles, and your node detected them.
You cannot be sure that your nodes are running correctly. You can have slots allocated with your nodes stopped, if you have enough delegation. This is why it is recommended to run a testnet stake pool, to be sure that what you are doing is correct.