Help Burning NFTs

Hi, I’m running into an issue when trying to burn tokens and after several goes I can’t spot the error, any help would be appreciated!

utxo 1481480 + 10 PlutoNFTAqua
utxo 5000000

cardano-cli transaction build-raw
–fee 0
–tx-in 9da23f073e67b873828de20884fd5ad26ded16888a8e74715db97df3e3aee1a7#0
–tx-in 31f4eb0a03dd77c6f04a133f6b48d7f26d9b07b20687302afc3aace4f86f04bb#0
–tx-out addr1vy6fn9dal2d58j8m09q0zyqsdrmhgc94gr9klkyxnzppcng6a3csw+6481480+"
10 6bd9647a8fcb36cd4257a85f8bb0ddf7c4cac8fc87668ac3d65b698b.PlutoNFTAqua "
–mint="-10 6bd9647a8fcb36cd4257a85f8bb0ddf7c4cac8fc87668ac3d65b698b.PlutoNFTAqua "
–out-file BurnPNFT2matx.raw

cardano-cli transaction calculate-min-fee
–tx-body-file BurnPNFT2matx.raw
–tx-in-count 2
–tx-out-count 1
–witness-count 2
–protocol-params-file protocol.json

cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
         --mary-era \
             --fee 183101 \
             --tx-in 9da23f073e67b873828de20884fd5ad26ded16888a8e74715db97df3e3aee1a7#0 \
             --tx-in 31f4eb0a03dd77c6f04a133f6b48d7f26d9b07b20687302afc3aace4f86f04bb#0 \
             --tx-out addr1vy6fn9dal2d58j8m09q0zyqsdrmhgc94gr9klkyxnzppcng6a3csw+11298379+"
               10 6bd9647a8fcb36cd4257a85f8bb0ddf7c4cac8fc87668ac3d65b698b.PlutoNFTAqua " \
             --mint="-10 6bd9647a8fcb36cd4257a85f8bb0ddf7c4cac8fc87668ac3d65b698b.PlutoNFTAqua " \
             --out-file BurnPNFT2matx.raw

The error is always ValueNotConservedUTxO so the amounts are not matching up somewhere


Do you start with 10 tokens? If you are burning all 10 of them I don’t think they should be present in the tx-out. Unless you start with 20 tokens :slight_smile:

Ah ok! Will try that, yes just start with 10 :slight_smile:

Worked a treat, many thanks Freja!

1 Like

Burn NFT (minted nft) issue on transaction submit, using

Run this script:

const CardanocliJs = require("cardanocli-js");

const cardanocliJs = new CardanocliJs({
    network: "testnet-magic 1097911063",
    dir: __dirname + "/../",
    shelleyGenesisPath: __dirname + "/../testnet-shelley-genesis.json"

// 1. Get the wallet
const wallet = cardanocliJs.wallet("TGRISE");

// Define functions
const createTransaction = (tx) => {
    let raw = cardanocliJs.transactionBuildRaw(tx);
    let fee = cardanocliJs.transactionCalculateMinFee({
        txBody: raw,
    tx.txOut[0].value.lovelace -= fee;
    return cardanocliJs.transactionBuildRaw({ ...tx, fee });

const signTransaction = (wallet, tx, script) => {
    return cardanocliJs.transactionSign({
        signingKeys: [wallet.payment.skey, wallet.payment.skey],
        txBody: tx,

// 2. Define mint script
const mintScript = {
    keyHash: cardanocliJs.addressKeyHash(,
    type: "sig",

// 3. Create POLICY_ID
const POLICY_ID = cardanocliJs.transactionPolicyid(mintScript);

// 4. Define ASSET_NAME
const ASSET_NAME = "Abaidullah";

// 5. Create ASSET_ID

// 6. Define metadata
const metadata = {
    721: {
        [POLICY_ID]: {
            [ASSET_NAME]: {
                name: ASSET_NAME,
                image: "ipfs://QmQqzMTavQgT4f4T5v6PWBp7XNKtoPmC9jvn12WPT3gkSE",
                description: "Super Fancy Berry Space Green NFT",
                type: "image/png",
                src: "ipfs://Qmaou5UzxPmPKVVTM9GzXPrDufP55EDZCtQmpy3T64ab9N",
                // other properties of your choice
                authors: ["TGRISE"]

// 7. Define transaction
const tx = {
    txIn: wallet.balance().utxo,
    txOut: [
            address: wallet.paymentAddr,
            value: { ...wallet.balance().value, [ASSET_ID]: 1 },
    mint: [
        { action: "burn", quantity: 1, asset: ASSET_ID, script: mintScript },
    witnessCount: 2,

// 8. Build transaction
const raw = createTransaction(tx);

// 9. Sign transaction
const signed = signTransaction(wallet, raw);
console.log(cardanocliJs.transactionView({ txFile: signed }));

// 10. Submit transaction
const txHash = cardanocliJs.transactionSubmit(signed);
console.log(assets, 'txHash:', txHash);

Gives the issue:

auxiliary data: AuxiliaryDataRaw {txMetadata = fromList [(721,Map [(S "c3ddef916f0db22eb19df1701db91625633501d01e76ad66edf26395",Map
  [(S "Abaidullah",Map [(S "authors",List [S "TGRISE",S "SBLYR"]),(S "description",S
  "Super Fancy Berry Space Green NFT"),(S "image",S "ipfs://QmQuSwUFfCHCwEAMtmecjB1AYAo4gsocxFQ8Ph8uG62ueK"),(S
  "name",S "Abaidullah"),(S "src",S "ipfs://QmQuSwUFfCHCwEAMtmecjB1AYAo4gsocxFQ8Ph8uG62ueK"),(S
  "type",S "image/png")])])])], auxiliaryScripts = StrictSeq {fromStrict = fromList
auxiliary data hash: AuxiliaryDataHash {unsafeAuxiliaryDataHash = SafeHash "7535c3c8130eeee22ce62f2e1170e55a02d339b59135a63e88f7b8525e3e333c"}
certificates: []
era: Mary
fee: 197445
- 4c5e4e6d92443f9cf783cd9cfb23dcb3c073437c224cdcdd0df61b29329079c6#0
  lovelace: 0
      4162616964756c6c6168: -1
- address:
    Bech32: addr_test1qp56eal7uxkaz4zyylllcg2xj2vqv42jq62zng29y3v8e6f56lndw2dx3hhnltdwf7zan430pt7xaf2hr828qkdcddjsc3jmg4
      key hash: 69acf7fee1add1544427fffc21469298065552069429a14524587ce9
    network: Testnet
    stake reference: StakeRefBase (KeyHashObj (KeyHash "34d7e6d729a68def3fadae4f85d9d62f0afc6ea55719d47059b86b65"))
    lovelace: 8605110
        4162616964756c6c6168: 1
update: null
validity interval:
  invalid before: 0
  invalid hereafter: 41156111
withdrawals: []
Command failed: transaction submit  Error: Error while submitting tx: ShelleyTxValidationError ShelleyBasedEraAlonzo (ApplyTxError [UtxowFailure (WrappedShelleyEraFailure (UtxoFailure (ValueNotConservedUTxO (Value 8802555 (fromList [])) (Value 8802555 (fromList [(PolicyID {policyID = ScriptHash "c3ddef916f0db22eb19df1701db91625633501d01e76ad66edf26395"},fromList [("Abaidullah",1)])])))))])

“cardanocli-js”: “^* 4.0.1”,

  • cardano-node 1.30.1
  • cardano-cli 1.30.1

Can anyone help me to resolve this blocker?