How to calculate reward?

Hi everyone,
Can anyone suggest how to calculate the reward for a private pool?
Here is some data for the pool.
Total staked amount = 254K ADA
Operation cost = 340 ADA
Margin = 100%
This calculator Calculator shows 0 as reward

Here is a post that explores cost of running a pool vs. just delegating a given stake. Here is an update to how the payout to loyal delegators works.

A good reward calculator is here.

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Do you know why am I not able to make pool pledge 257000 as it automatically turns into 223600 ADA when I enter 257000 ?

It is a little slow to load. The “Select Pool Id” bar eventually turns green.

Here is what you as an owner and what your potential delegators can expect.




You’ll notice, that initially all stake would have to come from you. The difference between delegators return and operators return is significant because 340 ADA fix is a significant cost to the delegator when the pool only makes one block per epoch or less.

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Very handy tool, but does it consider the epoch (for a year) rewards decay? Because, it seems to me that an average 5.5% a bit high for the pools I have tried with this tool.

Not sure if it does or can - here is the pool ran by this guy. I talked to him once about an improvement and can probably dig up the forum thread if you like.

No thx, that is ok. Not really important I just was a bit curious.