How we can check if BP is ready to create BLOCKS

Hi Alex
I have placed 4 nodes around the world and noticed I have some with 20+out peers and 2+ In peers and others with the opposite 5+ out and 20+ in. Is this normal. The one with the only 2+in is very close to the BP node and the 2+in are my other peers and no other in peers.

Also is there a penalty for restarting your relays? I realize you don’t want to restart your BP as little as possible, but does restarting relays reduce your percentage or minting a block?


What is ur ticker?


Hi Alex



I have placed 4 nodes around the world and noticed I have some with 20+out peers and 2+ In peers and others with the opposite 5+ out and 20+ in. Is this normal.

The number of OUT peers can be controlled by u from topology updater script (custom peers=x); the number of incoming peers can’t be controlled from topology updater script (only from iptable with rules…) anyway… for IN peers u need to have the port opened to accept incoming connections from any (valid only for Relays) and also to run the script every 1 hour;
For Relays which has only 2 IN peers check the topology updater log message… should see only glad u are staying with us!

The one with the only 2+in is very close to the BP node and the 2+in are my other peers and no other in peers.

As I said above check the port to be opened for any other node, and check the topology updater script (should run once/hour) log message

Also is there a penalty for restarting your relays? I realize you don’t want to restart your BP as little as possible, but does restarting relays reduce your percentage or minting a block?

Nope, it is recommended to restart them once/24 hours; I’m restarting mines once/12 hours… u can restart also the Prosucer if u need it… there will be no penalty


Yes, the 2+in seems something is wrong with ufw, I have disabled ufw and still same issue. Or maybe the IP, I have noticed the cnode seems to like to use the last IP in the available range. Is there a command to see what IP the node is trying to use?

ifconfig will show u the IP or u can check in topology updater log message the IP used

Can you restrict the total number of out connections by ping RTT?

RTT is normal to be higher for few nodes… because your Relay will connect with peers from different area/region/country/continent

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I was just looking for something like this, since it has been couple of months now without blocks. I figured it is just not enough stake. I am growing my pool the best I can and want to ensure readiness. I have already checked a couple of things, but glad you posted this. Cheers.

Ok double checked everything and things looking good, now just need luck and more delegation. :innocent: :star_struck: :partying_face: :sunglasses:

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Thanks to your post I fixed an issue that I had no idea existed, my BP was working as Relay. I suspected that something was wrong when in grafana the KES metrics were missing.

My issue was in the shell script to start the cardano-node, I followe coincashew tutorial and I probably messed with the script somehow, I basically copied from the site and past again and after a couple of minutes, everything was working fine.

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hello, i changed the path in POOL_NAME to the right one, and erased all the # , but still my
bp node is working as a relay.
what can i do to identify the problem?


Can u share the glive output?
also go to

cd $CNODE_HOME/priv/pool
then type
ls -l

then show me the pool name inside env file


here is the glive output

the file where i put my keys

and the env file

Aa ok, u are using coincashew guide … show me the script used to start the node, inside the script u must set the path to files

sure, here is the script:

cardano-node run
–config /home/tarek/cardano-src/bp-node/testnet-config.json
–database-path /home/tarek/cardano-src/bp-node/db/
–socket-path /home/tarek/cardano-src/bp-node/db/node.socket
–port 6000
–topology /home/tarek/cardano-src/bp-node/testnet-topology.json
–shelley-kes-key /home/tarek/cardano-src/keys-adresees/kes.skey
–shelley-vrf-key /home/tarek/cardano-src/keys-adresees/vrf.skey
–shelley-operational-certificate /home/tarek/cardano-src/keys-adresees/node.cert