How we can generateRecoveryPhrase from skey and vkey using cardano-cli?

Cannot reconstruct what the problem might be with so little information.

Does the conversation in this issue maybe help?

Hello all i also have skey and vkey file , but i cant use it with the latest cardano cli js or any where else ,i have some funds on my wallet which i am unable to use.please help on this to how i can my wallet

Have you tried with cardano-cli directly?

I tried cardanocli-js which i previously used but now it’s not working is just a wrapper around cardano-cli (and hasn’t seen any development since March by the way).

In order for that to work, you have to have a cardano-node running and synchronised on the same machine and cardano-cli installed and usable by that Javascript wrapper.

I’d really try to use them with cardano-cli directly without that cardanocli-js wrapper first to reduce possible sources of problems.