Go to this extract of the latest Gimbalabs Plutus PBL Live Coding: https://www.youtube.com/live/5BPGFbr7V5I?si=Np7XfSxXT4Qh5ZdZ&t=5138
Read the bash script ppbl2024-transaction-examples/module-203/slt-2034-reference-token-pair/003-update-datum.sh at main · gimbalabs/ppbl2024-transaction-examples · GitHub
It is the same bash script from step 1.
Go to https://plutuspbl.io/live-examples/203 and try the components “SLT 203.4 Demo - Part 1” and “SLT 203.4 Demo - Part 2”.
Take the Gimbalabs Plutus PBL - lesson 203.3: Andamio - Education & collaboration platform - Andamio
However, to get consistency in the subject matter, take the entire module: Andamio - Education & collaboration platform - Andamio
After taking steps 1, 2, 3, and 4, come to next week’s Plutus PBL Live Coding: https://gimbalabs.com/calendar
Bring all your questions, and if you want, you can take the driver’s seat for the session.