IOHK China attends International Fintech Innovation Conference to bridge Cardano closer with Chinese market

With the support of Cardano Foundation, IOHK China team was invited to the International Fintech Innovation Conference(IFIC) in Sanya, China, on May 24-25, to introduce Cardano and IOHK to Chinese crypto space and reveal the latest blockchain discussion among Chinese policymakers, scholars, entrepreneurs, etc. IOHK China team has actively participated in the event, exchanging ideas and contacts with attendees and paving the way for future cooperation.

With the vision of “Unlocking the new economy”, IFIC was organised by the People’s Daily and the Sanya Municipal Government, to explore the latest trends and discussion in the fields of FinTech, blockchain and cross-border e-commerce.

As more blockchain-friendly policies being released, over 600 blockchain enterprises are estimated to exist in China in 2019, and the industry value is expected to exceed 800 million RMB.

A shortage of more than 500,000 employees in Chinese blockchain industry also brings the great potential of cooperating with universities in terms of training courses. As more traditional companies begin to enter the industry, there’ll be an exponentially larger demand for talents.

There’s great potential benefit in cooperating with universities and vocational colleges and setting up blockchain-related course, blockchain labs, working with science and technology parks and entrepreneurial innovation bases, cooperating with blockchain enterprises, Internet and financial enterprises to establish “enterprise universities” to train blockchain technical talents which is what they needed in China.

Chinese government has named Hainan the first blockchain test field in China, opening up for high tech companies and institutions by offering tax benefit, free registration, etc. Hainan is increasingly becoming a pilot zone for new technologies and industries.

The blockchain industry has flourished in China since 2018, Chinese Internet and financial giants have already invested in blockchains in areas such as finance, public welfare, and commodity traceability, especially in the financial sector, such as cross-border payments, digital content copyrights protection.




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