Is it possible to do Stacaking with Deadalus?

Short answer: yes, and is a good place to start. The ITN Daedalus interface is pretty self-explanatory though. A quick forum search will also yield a ton of info on the practical details of staking (I don’t mean to be the “GIYF Guy”, but really – there’s a lot and it’s best to just do searches on specific questions, otherwise I’ll be pasting links for hours :slight_smile: )

Quick advice: If you already had ADA in a wallet during the 29/11/2019 snapshot and want to give staking on the incentivized testnet a go: choose the Yoroi wallet. The ITN network is currently so congested Daedalus can barely sync – mine hasn’t been able to sync one block in the past four days… Yoroi is far less affected by this, and its staking dashboard is a bit more comprehensive than Daedalus’ to boot.

Useful general links:

P.S. also, welcome!