Jul 6, 2023 | Voltaire era: Parameter committee intermediate state

I would like to request that the parameter committee please consider adding disclosures and information for the following areas. Thanks for your consideration.

How are members selected to join the committee?

Who selects members?

Does the committee have to vote to add a member?

What is the role of the “Chairs”?

Are the “Chairs” members that vote on recommendations?

What is the role of the “Advisory Group Heads”?

Are the “Advisory Group Heads” members that vote on recommendations?

What is the role of the “Advisory Group Members”?

Are the “Advisory Group Members”, members that vote on recommendations?

What is the role of the “Others”?

Are “Others” members that vote on recommendations?

For each member can we get short bio of projects they work on in the ecosystem and if they run a pool?

Can we get how many members of committee voted in the poll?

Can we get a list of how they voted in the poll?

Can we get a list of the pool names run by committee members?

Can we get a breakdown of members that are single pools and that are MPOs?

I think providing this additional information will add to transparency and help prevent any appearances of conflicts of interest. The answers to these questions may raise additional questions, so I hope the committee is open to additional disclosures. I 'm sure I’m missing some questions that others in the community might have, so please feel free to add to the list.

I hope the committee will consider having a public community call soon as well. I requested on last SPO call In July with IOG that we have a community call with committee, and I was told it would be conveyed to the committee. So just requesting again.

I know the road to self-governance is tough, but I appreciate everyone’s efforts. Thank you!