KES days til node.cert renew maths

Hi! I wrote myself a little cheatsheet to calculate everything that has to to with the key evolving signature. Can someone please review this and tell me if everything is correct?


Current KES Period = Current Tip / slotsPerKESPeriod (=129600)

Current Tip: cardano-cli shelley query tip –mainnet = e.g. 6710594

slotsPerKESPeriod: cat mainnet-shelley-genesis.json | grep KESPeriod
(=129600sec = 2160min = 36h = one KES Period)
maxKESEvolutions: cat mainnet-shelley-genesis.json | grep maxKESEvolutions (= 62)
(means KES valid for 62 x 36h = 93 days)

Days left til node.cert renew:

  1. Current KES Period = Current Tip / slotsPerKESPeriod = e.g. 6710594 / 129600 = 51
  2. KES Periods left = 62 – Current KES Period = 62 – 51 = 11 KES Periods left till renew
  3. 11 KES Periods equals 11 x 36h = 396h = 16,5 days

When these 16,5 days are over, does the KES Period start from 0 again? If i renew my node.cert today, what does this mean?


oh I think i wrote a lo of BS sorry for that - it always depends on when you made your first KES Keys right? So its different from operator to operator? i found my remaining KES periods with prometheus, found no other way to do it…

easiest way is to query ekg via:

curl localhost:12798/metrics | grep -i forge


i think you can get all the data from the prometheus (on BP Node with valid certs):

curl -s | grep KES

You will get:
Current KES Period: cardano_node_Forge_metrics_currentKESPeriod_int
Remaining KES: cardano_node_Forge_metrics_remainingKESPeriods_int
Remaining KES Days: cardano_node_Forge_metrics_remainingKESPeriods_int * 1.5


Works great thank you guys :pray::ok_hand:

This is exactly what I was looking for, and the solutions work great. Also I found the workings in the original question helpful. Thanks!


So my work wasnt entirely useless :joy::+1:

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Question, can you renew the kes too early? Any time? Or do you have to wait till day of expire. For instance. I know I will be away from a computer with access to bp node during the week before expire. Can I just renew it two weeks early,

Hi Mark,

You can renew KES at any time before expiration.

Your friend, FROG


When I run the command

curl -s 1 | grep KES

I’m not getting any metrics returned. I have upgraded to the 1.21.1 and my bp-node is processing transactions.

Any idea on what it takes to get this metric to show up?

My BP-node is started using the certs and keys…

cardano-node run --topology {TOPOLOGY} --database-path {DB_PATH} --socket-path {SOCKET_PATH} --host-addr {HOSTADDR} --port {PORT} --config {CONFIG} --shelley-kes-key {KES} --shelley-vrf-key {VRF} --shelley-operational-certificate ${CERT}

There is an error in your command, most probably because you copied and pasted the command from the forum with number “1” which indicates how often the link was clicked.

The command should be:

curl -s | grep KES

(without “1”).