Mike Ndaba - Platform Statement

Do you have, at least 6 months, or more experience in Project Catalyst?

Describe the Community Roles in which you have participated at Project Catalyst (e.g. Voter, Proposer, PA, vPA, Challenge Team, etc.)

What key ideas or issues would you like to champion as a representative at the Catalyst Circle?
I would like to promote awareness of all the ongoing matters within the community while creating a platform via social media that promotes and advertises agendas, events, meetings, etc.

How do you intend to measure your engagement?
Growth withing our social media platforms will be the best indicator of engagement. Most soclail media sites provide adequate statistics that can help us monitor & engage in more effective ways.

Is there anything else you would like voters to know as to why you would be a good fit for this seat on the Circle?
I am frim beliver of a decentralized world.