So today we missed a block and we are now investigating logs trying to understand what happened. Our block producer node is running with 12GB of RAM and 4vCPUs. According to graphs CPU utulization was about 16% at the block creation time and node had 3.2GB free memory (cached) plus we have 8GB of SWAP. For this reason we don’t think this was resource issue but probably propagation delays.
Our block was scheduled at slot 45755179 (11:31:10) but 2 slots before (45755177) there was another block created by different stake pool with the same height 6521190. Please see below logs
Based on the logs above we suspect the other pool block didn’t get to our BP on time and our pool tried to create block (fork the chain) with the same height but it was refused by the network due to higher slot number? Also, next block (after ours) was created 2 slots later so the pool that was creating blocks would receive both ouers and previous block almost at the same time and selected block with the lower slot number (created earlier). Does that make sense?
Here’s the link to the other pool block and its propagation delays. What we see is that there are only few relays getting that block. Not sure if that’s issue with pooltool or something else?
Was this just a slot height battle?