Moving from htn to mainnet-candidate, I get InvalidBlock error slotNo 134000

Hi, I’ve downloaded the new mainnet-candidate node configuration files from:
as suggested in the github .

But when I start the relay node (version 1.14.2)
after downloading some blocks I get the following error and the node keep retrying to get this block and doesn’t do anything else.
Can someone help me?
Does your nodes working well on this blockchain?
Thank you.

The error that i get is:

[31m[host227-:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Error:66]^[[0m [2020-07-12 21:49:43.80 UTC] [String “Application Exception: InvalidBlock (At (Block {blockPointSlot = SlotNo {unSlotNo = 134000}, blockPointHash = “K\v,\158\253FE\151ov\SO\142\135\172Z\151\&7&CF\183\218%\203\222\198\160\137\&4\ETX\v\ETX”})) (ValidationError (ExtValidationErrorLedger (HardForkLedgerErrorFromEra S (Z (WrapLedgerErr {unwrapLedgerErr = BBodyError (BlockTransitionError [LedgersFailure (LedgerFailure (UtxowFailure (MissingVKeyWitnessesUTXOW (WitHashes (fromList [KeyHash 54ef78b19bd606c8eed0ef362f8c5fb3da37dd7ae80bb53449fe0264])))))])})))))”,String “SubscriptionTrace”,String ““””]

I am also getting the same issue on my relays. I am waiting on 1.15.X to see if that resolves the issue.

Will keep digging in the meantime and update you if I find more info.

Thanks I’ll do the same.
It looks like that the blockchain is broken at slotNo 134000,
or the block that contains slotNo 134000 it’s a new kind of block that, as you say,
the c-node version 1.14.2 cannot handle.

If anyone has some info please let us know.

hi, I’ve solved the problem,
on github there is a new cardano-node tag, 1.15.1 ,

it is not marked as a realease but anyway,
i’ve compiled this version, delete the db directory and started the relay node
that downloaded all the blockchain without any problem.

Now I’ve problem with cntools but it’s another story,
but any help is apreciated.
