NYC Cardano MeetUp Group

Would anyone in the NYC area like to start the NYC based Cardano MeetUp group with me?

I’d like to get it started by 2018, just don’t want to be the only one responsible for the group operations.

I’m not in NY often, but maybe if you consider an (east coast) regional group we could get different people involved and host some meet-ups all together at some point. Are you on the Meetup app?

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I too agree with having an eastern USA meetup. I wouldn’t mind helping with that prospect.

I am not from usa but great idea. Best of luck!

I think a regional meetup is great but that’s something that will come after smaller meetup groups are formed in local communities. There are a lot of crypto meetup communities here in NY. I think I’ll start it now and find help as the Cardano community grows. Regional meetups will definitely happen

An eastern regional meetup is great but that’s something that will come after smaller meetup groups are formed in local communities. There are a lot of crypto meetup communities here in NY. I think I’ll start it now and find help as the Cardano community grows.

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I’d be happy to help coordinate - can also host small gathering if NYC/Brooklyn people needed a place. Have a storefront office space in Brooklyn (F/G train 15th St/Prospect stop). Can fit 10 or so people. Have chairs, projector, et al. Agree, there are lots of crypto meetups already in play but would be good to rally interest specifically around Cardano. Could do something after New Year?


I’m down for a meet up.

Sounds great!

I’ll PM you.

NYC based?

Can’t PM.

Shoot me an email:

I’m not to far away here in Connecticut.

great idea, and would probably make the trip up to nyc when it happens.

would also like to see a regional/east coast in DC. I could help coordinate with that if anyone’s interested.