Ouroboros Math

a proposal for the education section: it would be great if someone were to explain the ouroboros paper in a way more adapt to common mortals.
Maybe step by step in a long series

I know I should have probably studied computer science or maths… but well I am just trying my luck

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These will probably answer your question (I liked the 3rd one the best).

Here is the playlist:

I’m not sure if it can be explained super simple. You might have to invest some time to understand it. I used to teach Physics and found that there were times where the simplified models I used to explain stuff were so simplified that they were almost a bad representation of reality.


thanks @Gandalf I will listen to the videos. I didn’t came across them before

I was not looking for simplification but more to a long explanation that does not give too much for granted a part from school maths.

btw are you sure you are not Brian Cox? you sound a little like him :sweat_smile: …to foreigner hears at least

Haha. No I am not Brian Cox, but I am a huge fan. I think that his way of talking has rubbed off on me. It’s strange that you’re calling yourself a foreigner. This is a worldwide system. We are all foreigners and all natives simultaneously. I live in Australia by the way.