Project Catalyst - Fund 2 Challenge Dashboard - Learn About Projects πŸ—³οΈ

Hey Fam,

Being part of the Cardano ecosystem is NOT just about staking and rewards only.

It is also about civic responsibility. This means learning and getting used to the governance that is to come in form of the Voltaire next year. Project Catalyst is a sandbox testnet of sorts prior where we break and learn things fast.

With voting registration just around the corner - fingers crossed - you can start refreshing your knowledge about all the different proposals out there. This may be little confusing at first if you aren’t used to Ideascale platform.

All these - different project proposals from all over the community - are competing for the $200,000 fund 2 purse to bootstrap their initiatives. You hold the power to decide who will get the funding. Are you ready to hold true to that responsibility?

Now, you can browse all the latest proposal updates and data in this Google Doc that links to each proposal in the Ideascale. If anything is unclear - feel free to comment directly there or here. Happy to chat.
Screenshot 2020-12-12 at 11.53.53

Have fun and remember - once the time comes - vote responsibly with your ADA. We’re not just bunch of senseless hodlers!



P.S.: Voting is NOT enabled yet. First, registration has already started. Twitter Town-hall Thread Recap: