Shaping Cardano's Future: A Deep Dive into the 2025 Budget Process

Shaping Cardano’s Future: A Deep Dive into the 2025 Budget Process

The Dawn of a New Era in Blockchain Treasury Management

The blockchain space has long grappled with a fundamental challenge: how do you effectively manage community resources in a truly decentralized way? As we approach 2025, Cardano is pioneering an answer that could revolutionize blockchain governance.

Understanding the Framework

The Five Pillars of Progress

At the heart of Cardano’s 2025 budget framework lie five strategic “buckets,” each designed to foster specific aspects of ecosystem growth:

  1. Core Development

    • Maintaining and enhancing blockchain infrastructure
    • Implementing protocol improvements
    • Supporting core adjacent tooling
    • Focus on increasing network utility
  2. Research

    • Advancing blockchain technology
    • Three-year funding commitment
    • Academic partnerships
    • Long-term innovation pipeline
  3. Governance Support

    • Facilitating decentralized decision-making
    • Supporting DRep infrastructure
    • Constitutional committee operations
    • Community governance tools
  4. Outreach & Education

    • Marketing initiatives
    • Developer outreach
    • Community education programs
    • Global ecosystem expansion
  5. Community Grants

    • Grassroots project funding
    • Innovation incubation
    • Community-driven initiatives
    • Ecosystem diversity support

The Numbers Behind the Vision

The proposed budget framework envisions a treasury withdrawal between 300-500M ADA for 2025. This number was arrived at through careful consultation with treasury experts within the Cardano community.

Key Financial Mechanisms:

  • Single treasury withdrawal
  • Professional treasury management
  • Monthly disbursement cycles
  • Regular financial audits
  • Quarterly community reviews

Community Governance in Action

The Role of DReps

Delegated Representatives (DReps) serve as the community’s voice in this process. Their responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing budget proposals
  • Providing feedback during socialization
  • Voting on final approvals
  • Monitoring quarterly reports

Budget Committee Oversight

A dedicated committee of community members and subject matter experts facilitates the process, ensuring:

  • Transparency in all operations
  • Professional financial management
  • Regular community reporting
  • Appropriate fund allocation
  • Compliance with community mandates

Timeline and Implementation

Key Dates for 2025 Budget:

  • November-December 2024: Committee reviews and socialization
  • December 2024: Info actions
  • Q1 2025: Completion of Chang +1 and first treasury withdrawal request
  • Quarterly: Community reviews and reporting

Getting Involved

Your participation is crucial to the success of this initiative. Here’s how you can contribute:

  1. Direct Participation

    • Join working groups
    • Attend AMA sessions
    • Participate in forum discussions
    • Engage with your DRep
  2. Knowledge Building

    • Follow committee updates
    • Review quarterly reports
    • Study proposal documentation
    • Share insights with the community
  3. Community Engagement

    • Join special interest groups
    • Contribute to discussions
    • Provide feedback on proposals
    • Help educate other community members

Looking Forward

This budget process represents more than just financial management – it’s a blueprint for sustainable blockchain ecosystem development. The success of this initiative could set new standards for how decentralized communities manage resources and make decisions.

Critical Success Factors:

  • Community engagement and participation
  • Transparent operation and reporting
  • Effective resource allocation
  • Measurable impact assessment
  • Continuous process improvement

Join the Conversation

We want to hear your thoughts on this crucial development in Cardano’s evolution. Share your perspectives on:

  • How can we maximize the impact of each budget bucket?
  • What metrics should we prioritize in measuring success?
  • How can we enhance community participation in the process?
  • What additional safeguards should we consider?

Resources and Contact Information

Final Thoughts

The 2025 budget process is more than a financial framework – it’s a testament to Cardano’s commitment to genuine decentralization and community governance. Your participation in this process helps shape not just Cardano’s future, but potentially the future of decentralized governance itself.

This post is part of the Cardano Budget Process education initiative. Feel free to share and discuss, and remember to engage respectfully with fellow community members.

#CardanoBudget cardanogovernance #BlockchainInnovation #DecentralizedFinance


Thank you for sharing information publicly outside Discord and Gitbook! I feel its a good summary of what you have already shared but it is definitely lacking information. Please do share when you have that FAQ//link hub ready. In the meantime, transparency with the process and socializing the budget is still lacking until we can actually see details of the budget. Obviously we’re all eager for the next release of new information :slight_smile:


Cardano Budget Process Kick-Off Meeting - AI-Summary


This video covers a project kick-off meeting for the Cardano budget process, led by Intersect. Key participants include Lloyd Duhan and Lawrence Clark from the budget committee. The meeting discusses the proposed budget of 300-500 million ADA for 2025, the roles of Intersect and the Cardano Development Foundation (CDF), and the budget approval process. Concerns were raised regarding transparency, governance, and the potential for manipulation in the voting process. The speakers emphasized that this is the beginning of a socialization process, not a final decision. Questions were addressed about audit processes, conflict of interest policies, and the budget approval timeline. The need for clearer communication and more detailed information about the budget process was also highlighted.

Key Points

  1. Introduction and Overview of the Budget Process

Lloyd and Lawrence introduced the session, explaining that Intersect administers the Cardano Development Foundation (CDF). They outlined the budget committee’s role in gathering requests from various committees and emphasized that this meeting marks the first step in socializing the budget process. Lawrence mentioned that the proposed budget range for 2025 is 300-500 million ADA.

  1. Clarification on Budget Process and Committees’ Roles

Lloyd clarified that this is the beginning of the socialization process, not a final decision. Various committees within Intersect are compiling budgets for their respective areas. The budget aims to cover ongoing operations and new initiatives. Lloyd also emphasized that they welcome questions and suggestions.

  1. Concerns About Centralization and Budget Allocation

Patrick raised concerns about the centralized nature of the process, questioning why everything is funneled through Intersect. He suggested that entities like Catalyst should have the option to apply for funding directly. Lawrence and Chris responded by explaining the constitutional requirements for an annual budget process and the collaborative nature of the current approach.

  1. Discussion on Transparency and Governance

Florian expressed concerns about the lack of transparency in the budget process and the need for a clear strategy. Lawrence and Lloyd responded, explaining the ongoing efforts to enhance transparency and involve the community in strategy development. They also highlighted the role of the product committee in defining Cardano’s strategy.

  1. Questions About Audit Processes and Fund Security

Rand inquired about accountability and external audits for the budget. Lawrence explained the multi-layered audit process under development, including internal reviews, member reviews, and external audits. He also addressed questions regarding the security of funds held by the CDF and the potential impact of ADA price fluctuations on the budget.

  1. Concerns About Voting Process and Conflict of Interest

Hozy raised concerns about the potential for manipulation in Intersect’s voting process, given the relatively low number of votes in previous elections. Lawrence acknowledged the issue and mentioned ongoing discussions to improve the voting system. Marlin also highlighted concerns about conflicts of interest and the need for clearer policies regarding committee membership and voting rights.

  1. Timeline and Constitutional Considerations

Mao discussed the timeline for budget approval, pointing out potential conflicts with the constitutional process. Lloyd acknowledged that while January is the target, final approval might realistically be expected in March or April. Mao also highlighted the limited role of the Constitutional Committee in the budget process, emphasizing the importance of delegate and community involvement.


Do you believe that you have achieved something that can be called “decentralised”? How is it decentralised if the creation of the budget goes through one organisation and its communication structures?

Who has decided that and why?

Were there other structures considered?

Especially a categorisation by importance would be good: Which spendings to whom are indispensable for keeping the lights on? And which are on top of that with which priorities?

What I would have expected is that these buckets are “the budget” as defined by the (interim) constitution and there is not more detail prior to the treasury withdrawals.

They can define how much we want to spend in total in a certain area, what are the maxima and minima per request (minima to ensure that there are not zillions of on-chain votes about very small projects that should rather go through Catalyst or other community grant programs in the future), maybe a restriction that only a part of the bucket is available per quarter (to ensure that not everything is eaten up immediately by the fastest withdrawal requests).

Ideally, this should be one on-chain info action per bucket, so that on-chain governance can decide under the eyes and with discussions by the whole Cardano community (not just Intersect members, and not just those Intersect members who have the nerves for endless Discord threads and unproductive Zoom calls) which buckets the community wants and which it does not want.

What were the requirements for this “careful consultation” by “treasury experts”?

You do realise that the funds flowing into the treasury will only be around 300 million ADA in 2025, don’t you? And it will continue to become less and less in subsequent years due to inflation from the reserve going down (which is >95% of what finances staking rewards as well as treasury refill)?

So, it will be inevitable to start spending from the capital stock soon enough. But do we have to do it in the very first year?

Shouldn’t that be the first decision done by the dReps on-chain still independent from buckets and budgets? How much do we want to spend? What should be the “net change limit” (which is unfortunately very much underspecified in the interim constitution)? After all, that is one of the most important decisions in this context.

This should come before we allocate the buckets of the previous point.

By the way, an argument from authority (fallacy) – “treasury experts”, even anonymous ones – is one of the least decentralised things I can imagine.

What is the reasoning behind “single treasury withdrawal”?

By the way – in contrast to some gaslighting going around in the community – this is not about breaking it down to monthly withdrawals leading to insecurities for the projects if they still have funding next month. It can (and in my opinion should) be about breaking the withdrawals down by (sufficiently large) projects (which then have security about the whole lifetime of their proposal, provided they fulfil the necessary audits/milestones), giving the on-chain governance, the dReps, the possibility to decide, for example, that they do want to fund the ongoing maintenance as proposed by the Intersect team, that they do want the research and development for Leios, and Catalyst, but that they don’t want (at the moment) what was proposed for marketing and that they’d rather fund a development proposal submitted through another MBO than, say, the Babel fees proposal by the TSC.

In the AMAs, you stressed that this proposal does not preclude other entities from also submitting one. How would that work in practice according to your plan? When are the deadlines for getting something into the 2025 budget? What has to be done to actually get it into the final budget proposal? Who decides how what is in and what is out? Can such entities propose their own “professional treasury management” independent of Intersect, get independent treasury withdrawals into their custody instead of Intersect’s?

It would/should in my opinion then be the decision of the dReps (in deciding about the treasury withdrawal) if the presented concept of audits/milestones/reviews and the proposed panel of auditors deciding on releases of disbursements is convincing to them. And the (I)CC can decide if the (very rough and abstract) requirements of the constitution are fulfilled by that.

The main role of dReps – voting on-chain with their delegated voting power – is reduced to a ceremonial acclamation if all they can vote on is one big blob of a budget and if they decline that, nothing will be done in Cardano (at least until a new budget is hastily proposed). Only giving people a nuclear option that they will almost never use because of its unforeseeable consequences is a tool to reduce democratic decisions.

Instead of their real role – voting on governance actions – you give them a nebulous “We’ll talk to them and they can give feedback.” role. How exactly? How do your reach all hundreds of dReps? Do they get a say in proportion to their delegated voting power? Or all equally, including self-voters voting with their 1k ADA?

I’m still not convinced, rather disappointed.


Overview of the Cardano 2025 Budget Process Q&A Session

This video covers a Q&A session about the Cardano budget process for 2025, where Lloyd from Intersect addresses various community concerns and questions.

Key Points

  • Role of Intersect in the Budget Process
    Intersect’s role is not as a gatekeeper but to facilitate a unified annual budget process. The proposed net change limit for treasury withdrawals is between 300–500 million ADA. Multiple MBOs (Member-Based Organizations) are encouraged to participate in the budget process. Core development is still largely (52%) managed by IOG, but efforts are underway to decentralize this work. It’s also important to include contingencies and maintain flexibility in the budget for unforeseen circumstances. Other entities like Pragma and Amaru were also discussed regarding their roles in the budget process.

  • Clarification on Intersect’s Treasury ADA Voting
    Lloyd explains that Intersect’s board currently has rules against voting with any ADA they hold.

  • Discussion on the Cardano Development Foundation and Treasury Fund Distribution
    Mike Lurman raised questions about the Cardano Development Foundation (CDF), an entity in the Cayman Islands administered by Intersect. Lloyd shared that Lawrence is preparing a write-up to enhance transparency around the CDF. There are also future plans to potentially split funds across multiple entities and jurisdictions to avoid single points of failure, though this may not be feasible for 2025.

  • Explanation of Budget Process and Allocation
    Lloyd describes the budget process as setting a range of expected spending, not exact figures, using a car purchase analogy to illustrate. Estimates are collected from companies already contributing to Cardano. The 300–500 million ADA range was proposed by treasury experts from the Cardano Foundation and IOG as a sustainable annual withdrawal amount.

  • Transparency and Multiple Entities in the Budget Process
    Lloyd addresses concerns about transparency and centralization, clarifying that Intersect is not acting as a gatekeeper but facilitating a process. While having multiple entities involved in the budget process is a goal, full implementation may not be achievable by 2025. The aim is to create a unified annual budget that includes proposals from various entities.

  • Clarification on Core Development and IOG’s Role
    Adam Dean explains that IOG still oversees over 50% of Cardano’s core development, but the goal is to transition to a model where multiple contractors have direct contracts with budget administrators like Intersect, reducing reliance on IOG.

  • Other Entities’ Participation in the Budget Process
    Christina from Pragma explains that Pragma will not request funds from Cardano, though the Amaru project (a Pragma initiative) is preparing a funding proposal. Lloyd sees this as a positive step towards distributing funds outside of Intersect in 2025.

  • Addressing Budget Flexibility and Emergencies
    Lloyd emphasizes the importance of contingencies for overages and emergencies within the budget process. Not all funds within the net change limit will be spent, allowing for unforeseen circumstances. He stresses the need for an annual budget process that balances emergency response with overall fiscal responsibility.

This session provided valuable insights into the structure, goals, and considerations of the Cardano budget process moving into 2025.


3rd Cardano Budget Committee AMA

Topic: Cardano Roadmap by the Product Committee

(This is an AI-generated summary. Please refer to the video for complete and accurate details.)


The third session of the Cardano budget process open sessions featured Lorenzo Bruno from the Product Committee, who presented the proposed goals for Cardano in 2025. These goals, developed through two months of community consultation, focus on growth and sustainability, emphasizing:

  • Increasing usage of Cardano.

  • Simplifying development on the platform.

  • Enhancing competitiveness.

  • Establishing clear funding mechanisms.

  • Improving marketing efforts.

The session also explored governance, routine operations, and the necessity for a long-term vision. Participants engaged in a Q&A session covering aspects such as the goals, the budget process, and future development plans.


1. Introduction and Ground Rules

Speaker0 opened the session, welcomed participants, and introduced Lorenzo Bruno. Ground rules included:

  • One speaker at a time.

  • Staying on topic.

  • Questions limited to two minutes.

2. Overview of the Product Committee

Lorenzo provided an overview of the Product Committee, formed two and a half months ago with:

  • 7 voting members.

  • 20+ volunteer SMEs (Subject Matter Experts).

The committee’s mission is to create a transparent and collaborative roadmap for 2025 and a long-term five-year vision for Cardano.

3. Process of Goal Development

Lorenzo detailed the goal-setting process, which included:

  • Brainstorming sessions.

  • Committee and working group consultations.

  • Weekly focus groups.

  • Open calls and surveys.

The process remains ongoing, with plans to:

  1. Submit proposals to the Cardano Forum.

  2. Present them as an on-chain informational action.

4. Proposed Goals for 2025

The roadmap highlights 4 main topics and 8 goals:

  • Primary Goal: Increasing usage by attracting more developers, dApps, and users.

  • Supporting Goals:

  • Ease of building on Cardano.

  • Boosting competitiveness.

  • Establishing clear funding mechanisms.

  • Enhancing marketing strategies.

5. Governance and Routine Operations

Key discussions included:

  • Governance during the Voltaire era.

  • Expanding community participation.

  • Stabilizing the governance system.

  • Improving education and marketing for governance.

6. Vision for the Future

Lorenzo emphasized the importance of creating a dynamic five-year vision beyond the original roadmap. This includes:

  • Conducting high-level research.

  • Establishing processes for vision development.

7. Q&A Session

Topics discussed by participants included:

  • Aligning roadmaps with other committees.

  • Enterprise adoption strategies.

  • The Cardano Developer Coalition.

  • Alternative funding sources.

  • Ecosystem sustainability.

Speakers such as Lorenzo and Lloyd provided insights on these issues.

8. Conclusion and Next Steps

Speaker0 concluded the session with:

  • Thanks to participants.

  • A reminder about future sessions.

  • Details on accessing session recordings.

Action Items

  1. Continue the open consultation process for refining 2025 goals.

  2. Submit the proposed goals to the Cardano Forum for community feedback.

  3. Present finalized goals as an on-chain informational action.

  4. Develop a long-term five-year vision for Cardano.

  5. Next open session: Saturday at 9 a.m. ET.

  6. Additional session for U.S. time zones scheduled for Monday.

  7. More committee presentations planned for late November and December.

  8. Current session recording to be added to the budget committee’s knowledge base.


Cardano 予算プロセス キックオフ会議 - 会議要約

このビデオは、Cardanoの予算プロセスに関するプロジェクトキックオフ会議について取り上げています。会議はIntersectの主導で行われ、予算委員会からLloyd Duhan氏とLawrence Clark氏が参加しました。議題には、2025年の予算案(300〜500百万ADA)の提案、IntersectとCardano開発財団(CDF)の役割、および予算承認プロセスが含まれています。透明性、ガバナンス、投票プロセスの操作の可能性に関する懸念が提起され、これは決定の最終段階ではなく、社会化プロセスの始まりであることが強調されました。また、監査プロセスや利益相反ポリシー、予算承認のタイムラインについての質問にも回答があり、予算プロセスに関する明確なコミュニケーションと詳細情報の提供の必要性についても言及されました。


  1. 予算プロセスの紹介と概要

  2. 予算プロセスと委員会の役割についての説明

  3. 中央集権化と予算配分に関する懸念

  4. 透明性とガバナンスに関する議論

  5. 監査プロセスと資金の安全性に関する質問

  6. 投票プロセスと利益相反に関する懸念

  7. タイムラインと憲法上の考慮事項


Cardano 2025年度予算プロセス Q&A セッション概要



  • インターセクトの役割

  • インターセクトの財務ADA投票に関する説明

  • Cardano Development Foundationと財務資金分配に関する議論
    マイク・ルーマンが、ケイマン諸島でインターセクトが管理するCardano Development Foundation(CDF)に関する質問をしました。ロイドは、CDFの透明性向上のためにローレンスが文書を準備していると述べ、将来的に複数の団体や地域に資金を分散し、単一障害点を回避する計画があることも共有しましたが、2025年の実現は難しいかもしれないとのことです。

  • 予算プロセスと配分の説明

  • 予算プロセスにおける透明性と複数の団体の参加

  • コア開発におけるIOGの役割の説明

  • 予算プロセスへの他の団体の参加

  • 予算の柔軟性と緊急事態への対応



第3回Cardano予算委員会AMA - 製品委員会のCardnaoロードマップ編


この議事録は、Cardanoの予算プロセス公開セッションの第3回をカバーしており、製品委員会のLorenzo Brunoが参加しています。Lorenzoは、過去2ヶ月間のコミュニティとの協議を通じて開発された2025年に向けたCardanoの提案目標を紹介しました。プレゼンテーションでは、Cardanoの成長と持続可能性を推進するための4つの主要テーマと8つの目標が示されました。主な議論のポイントは、利用率の向上、Cardano上での開発のしやすさの改善、競争力の強化、明確な資金調達メカニズムの確立、マーケティング活動の向上です。このセッションでは、ガバナンスや通常業務、そしてCardanoの長期的なビジョンの必要性についても触れられました。プレゼンテーション後には、提案された目標、予算プロセス、Cardanoの発展と持続可能性に関する将来計画について参加者との質疑応答が行われました。


  • イントロダクションと基本ルール
    Speaker0がCardanoの予算プロセス公開セッション第3回に参加者を迎え、製品委員会のLorenzo Brunoを紹介しました。発言者は1人ずつ、テーマに集中し、質問は2分以内に収めるといった基本ルールが設定されました。

  • 製品委員会の概要
    Lorenzo Brunoが製品委員会について説明し、約2ヶ月半前に7つの投票権を持つメンバーと20名以上のボランティア専門家によって結成されたことを述べました。委員会の目標は、共有の2025年ロードマップと長期的な5年ビジョンの策定をオープンかつ透明なプロセスで進めることです。

  • 目標の策定プロセス
    Lorenzoは、目標策定のプロセスについて説明しました。ブレインストーミング、委員会やワーキンググループとの協議、週次フォーカスグループ、公開コール、オープンサーベイを含む手法を取り入れており、提案はCardano Forumやオンチェーン情報アクションとして提出する予定です。

  • 2025年の提案目標

  • ガバナンスと通常業務

  • 未来へのビジョン

  • 質疑応答セッション
    参加者から、他の委員会の作業との整合、企業の採用戦略、Cardano Developer Coalition、代替資金源、エコシステムの持続可能性などについての質問がありました。LorenzoやLloydを含む講演者が、進行中の取り組みや将来計画についての見解を提供しました。

  • 結論と次のステップ


  1. Lorenzoは、Cardanoの2025年目標を洗練させるための公開協議プロセスを継続することを述べました。
  2. Lorenzoは、提案された目標をCardano Forumに提出し、さらなるコメントを募集する必要性を述べました。
  3. Lorenzoは、最終的な目標をオンチェーン情報アクションとして提出し、検証する計画を示しました。
  4. Lorenzoは、Cardanoの長期的な5年ビジョンを策定するためのプロセスを構築する必要があることを述べました。
  5. Speaker0は、次の公開セッションが土曜日午前9時(東部時間)に予定されていることを発表しました。
  6. Simoは、Lorenzoが製品委員会のプレゼンテーションを発表するために、米国時間帯向けの月曜日セッションをスケジュールすることを述べました。
  7. Simoは、11月下旬および12月に各委員会が目標をコミュニティに発表するためのセッションを継続的にスケジュールする予定であることを述べました。
  8. Speaker0は、現在のセッションの録画が数日以内に予算委員会のナレッジベースに追加される予定であることを述べました。



Intersect-MCC-Budget 2025 Goals - Summary

Purpose: Enhance member value by promoting engagement, collaboration, and contributions through events, grants, education, and community hubs.

Participation: Run for election, join working groups (e.g., Marketing, Grants, Community Hubs), or create Special Interest Groups on Intersect Discord.

Budget: Focus on education, onboarding, and grants with community-led RFP processes. Success measured via goals and KPIs.

Key Goals for 2025:

  1. Usage: Attract dApps, users, and protocols through outreach, education, and real-world applications.
  2. Education: Launch free education tiers, build university networks, and provide certifications and internships.
  3. Operations: Maintain Cardano’s trust and reliability while improving support.
  4. Vision: Define a community-driven roadmap for Cardano’s future.
  5. Governance: Strengthen open governance with broad community participation.

Contributions Wanted: Submit ideas for Education & Outreach and Community Grants focused on goals, not vendors !!

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