Problem: There is a lack of development to enhance and further improve hydra technology at the Cardano Ecosystem.
Solution: Provide tools for developers to integration Hydra to enable end-user operations like interacting with wallet, query UTXOs/balance and submit transactions and additional helpful functions
Ideascale URL:
Despite Hydra potential, there is currently lacking engagement on further development and enhancement to already existing Hydra functionalities. MeshJS recognizes the gap and aims to provide tooling to further enrich Hydra functionality.
This proposal aims to:
Implement Hydra provider to connect with a Hydra node
Enable functions outlining Hydra processes at different stages
Setup Hydra Provider to fully interact with a Hydra node
Enable linking to Hydra API documentation
Deploy simple webpage that shows balance in a head and can create & sign transactions using a CIP-30 wallet
Develop TxBuilder who can be started for Hydra settings
Setup working Hydra Asteria (LinkedIn) integrated with MeshJS
Update MeshJS documentation to help users start building on Hydra.
As in our tradition, all proposal outcomes will be fully open source.
Want to know what more we are cooking for this Catalyst Fund 13 and give us your support to keep the lights on? Thanks in advance.