Staking and trading

Splitting your stake to multiple pools is always a good idea.

  1. Staking IS voting. Stakeholders vote for pools they trust to run the network. So by splitting your stake among 5-10 good pools - you are helping the system in general.

  2. Is it just safer. If any pool gets hacked or goes rogue - you only risk a small portion of stake. NOTE! That users do NOT loose their stake if something happens to the pool. But if pool will act badly - delegates will loose profits. So diversifying stake is as rational as diversifying investments.

  3. Less chance to cap any of pools you have selected. Over-capping the pool (when pools starts to have more than 1/k total stake) is suboptimal for all its investors, so splitting the stake also helps to mitigate this problem AND potentially raise the profits.

Read this comment for a detailed example explanation:

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