Testnet Node 1.19.1 syncing issues

Manually using command from Start your core node - Stake pool course

setting --host-addr Relay node is currently running fine

Dis you seted the variable:
export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH= your/path/to/node.socket

yes and updated my .bashrc to export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH="~/pool/db/node.socket". Although the db folder is being created I am not seeing the node.socket in there.

The node.socket will be created after ur node will start

Had to remove the beginning “/” from --socket-path /db/node.socket. Thank you for the willingness to help.

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Looks like this worked for me as well. Thanks.

Hi guys please could you help me if you’ve come across this issue? Many thanks :slight_smile:

Please not I’ve updated tags from 1.24.2 to 1.25.1 now but same DNSSubscription Invalid block error.

how many relays do you have in ur topology file? try to add more, and start ur node with host address ; you can finde more relays fore testnet here:


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Hi Alex thanks for your message, by default my topology file only had 1 relay IOHK’s I’ve added few more in there, I’ll update what happens in sometime.

Also - I’ve set the valency for the additional relays with a value of 2.

Good days guys,

I am having an issue as well when syncing gets to epoch 112. Here is the message:

[ip-172-3:cardano.node.ChainDB:Error:34] [2021-02-09 00:25:22.61 UTC] Invalid block c9881ce23d270f6b00369017015621e5735f029c8006e2077ab37c54dc7ef4d2 at slot 18023840: ExtValidationErrorLedger (HardForkLedgerErrorFromEra S (S (S (Z (WrapLedgerErr {unwrapLedgerErr = BBodyError (BlockTransitionError [LedgersFailure (LedgerFailure (UtxowFailure (UtxoFailure (OutputTooSmallUTxO [(Addr Testnet (KeyHashObj (KeyHash “53c493ab318b98d4bd5bfebee157f33a2c2dcf2752e818d558f8867d”)) (StakeRefBase (KeyHashObj (KeyHash “54251fc51d128c9808585c95f66b0c5146dddf8fafe8dbf13de65774”))),Value 1500000 (fromList [(PolicyID {policyID = ScriptHash “9cebd568ac4ad908cdd2d45a52327fc4711911054c9951b90a603303”},fromList [(“BerryIndigo”,1)])]))]))))])})))))

[ip-172-3:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:34] [2021-02-09 00:25:22.61 UTC] Valid candidate aef965e0a82c1103e78454cfc6153996410126aa826176a3a16bb38d729d9f27 at slot 18023833

Any idea on what could be goin on?

Thanks in advance for any feedback you may have.

I am facing this same issue and seems that at this point also lose connectedPeers.

I am using the current 1.24.2 cardano-node.

After adding more peers it is moving along but not sure it is syncing.

[ip-172-3:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Error:22644] [2021-02-12 19:38:42.55 UTC] [String "Application Exception: InvalidBlock (At (Block {blockPointSlot = SlotNo 18023840, blockPointHash = c9881ce23d270f6b00369017015621e5735f029c8006e2077ab37c54dc7ef4d2})) (ValidationError (ExtValidationErrorLedger (HardForkLedgerErrorFromEra S (S (S (Z (WrapLedgerErr {unwrapLedgerErr = BBodyError (BlockTransitionError [LedgersFailure (LedgerFailure (UtxowFailure (UtxoFailure (OutputTooSmallUTxO [(Addr Testnet (KeyHashObj (KeyHash \"53c493ab318b98d4bd5bfebee157f33a2c2dcf2752e818d558f8867d\")) (StakeRefBase (KeyHashObj (KeyHash \"54251fc51d128c9808585c95f66b0c5146dddf8fafe8dbf13de65774\"))),Value 1500000 (fromList [(PolicyID {policyID = ScriptHash \"9cebd568ac4ad908cdd2d45a52327fc4711911054c9951b90a603303\"},fromList [(\"BerryIndigo\",1)])]))]))))])})))))))",String "SubscriptionTrace",String "\"relays-new.cardano-testnet.iohkdev.io\""]
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.ErrorPolicy:Warning:56] [2021-02-12 19:38:42.55 UTC] [String "ErrorPolicySuspendPeer (Just (ApplicationExceptionTrace (InvalidBlock (At (Block {blockPointSlot = SlotNo 18023840, blockPointHash = c9881ce23d270f6b00369017015621e5735f029c8006e2077ab37c54dc7ef4d2})) (ValidationError (ExtValidationErrorLedger (HardForkLedgerErrorFromEra S (S (S (Z (WrapLedgerErr {unwrapLedgerErr = BBodyError (BlockTransitionError [LedgersFailure (LedgerFailure (UtxowFailure (UtxoFailure (OutputTooSmallUTxO [(Addr Testnet (KeyHashObj (KeyHash \"53c493ab318b98d4bd5bfebee157f33a2c2dcf2752e818d558f8867d\")) (StakeRefBase (KeyHashObj (KeyHash \"54251fc51d128c9808585c95f66b0c5146dddf8fafe8dbf13de65774\"))),Value 1500000 (fromList [(PolicyID {policyID = ScriptHash \"9cebd568ac4ad908cdd2d45a52327fc4711911054c9951b90a603303\"},fromList [(\"BerryIndigo\",1)])]))]))))])})))))))))) 200s 200s",String "ErrorPolicyTrace",String ""]

Try few times the command and check if the slot number increasing

curl localhost:12798/metrics | grep slot

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Good to know this one, but did not see slot in output. I have removed db since it was still complaining about invalid block, and I suppose somehow I had it from initial sync when I just had one peer.

rts_gc_par_max_bytes_copied 820027832
rts_gc_num_gcs 2112
rts_gc_mutator_wall_ms 29344
rts_gc_gc_cpu_ms 6375
rts_gc_par_avg_bytes_copied 1553911968
cardano_node_metrics_RTS_gcLiveBytes_int 439657432
rts_gc_init_cpu_ms 1
cardano_node_metrics_RTS_gcMinorNum_int 2077
rts_gc_bytes_allocated 63090935472
rts_gc_num_bytes_usage_samples 11
rts_gc_current_bytes_slop 22968152
cardano_node_metrics_RTS_mutticks_int 3995
cardano_node_metrics_Stat_cputicks_int 4627
rts_gc_max_bytes_slop 22454968
rts_gc_par_tot_bytes_copied 1553911968
cardano_node_metrics_RTS_gcMajorNum_int 11
rts_gc_cumulative_bytes_used 1342483040
ekg_server_timestamp_ms 1613159284182
rts_gc_gc_wall_ms 3343
cardano_node_metrics_Mem_resident_int 914939904
rts_gc_mutator_cpu_ms 40349
cardano_node_metrics_nodeStartTime_int 1613159252
rts_gc_peak_megabytes_allocated 839
rts_gc_init_wall_ms 1
rts_gc_max_bytes_used 419908936
rts_gc_bytes_copied 1553911968
rts_gc_wall_ms 32687
rts_gc_current_bytes_used 452888744
rts_gc_cpu_ms 46724
cardano_node_metrics_Stat_threads_int 16
cardano_node_metrics_RTS_gcticks_int 632

Seems I just learned not to all all the nodes in topology. I restarted and seems like cpu is hitting the roof will have to reboot :stuck_out_tongue:

Do u use this script? It’s useful to check the node status

I do have that setup but when I moved from experimenting on rpm based linux to ubuntu it did not seem to register what epoc or other details. I need to double check I enabled the traces. Getting started back up now.

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I see there is an issue with a line on the script, but a utility I am missing.

Seem to be getting updates. I cut down the list to 40% of what I initially put in. Will report back shortly.

Since I restarted I am like at slot 16914, so far so good.

I did find that netstat was not installed on script and not all info showing so probably other things missing. Will take a look at the tool page to find out.

Thanks for help and crossing fingers that it gets passed the invalid block issue.

|   Simple Node Stats by Crypto2099    |
| Version             |         1.24.2 |
| Revision            |       400d1809 |
| Peers (Out / In)    |            / 0 |
| Epoch / Block       |             /  |
| Slot                |                |
| Uptime (D:H:M:S)    |    00:00:07:19 |
| Transactions        |                |
| Chain Density       |         0.000% |

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How do I get to do this? also in my /db/ I have socket not node.socket. I do not know if this is an important issue. I followed the Coincashew guide and am trying to run on Testnet. It has been 28 hours and it is on epoch 185. 7 hours ago it was on epoch 184.