Epoch 224 (17 October - 22 October) network parameters:
Total stake
Registered pools
16.98B ₳
The stake snapshot for epoch 224 occurred on Monday 12 October. The total staked ADA increased by 0.73% since the last epoch, up to 53.37%. We saw an increase in the number of active pools this epoch - up 9 pools to 1114. The minimum stake required in order to expect to make a block decreased slightly to 1.79M ₳, leaving 68% of pools below this threshold. The number of pools falling into the 0-slot bin decreased by 7 pools this epoch.
To see the post for the current epoch, 223, see our post here.
For more information about the concepts and math behind this and past analyses (e.g. the meaning of k and d), as well as the full table that this chart was generated from, see our full post here.
Please also see our recent post showing how fees are taken out of stake pool block rewards here.
Epoch 225 (22 October - 27 October) network parameters:
Total stake
Registered pools
17.09B ₳
The stake snapshot for epoch 225 occurred on Saturday 17 October. The total staked ADA increased by 0.07% since the last epoch, up to 53.73%. We saw an increase in the number of active pools this epoch - up 5 pools to 1117. The minimum stake required in order to expect to make a block decreased slightly to 1.72M ₳, leaving 67% of pools below this threshold. The number of pools falling into the 0-slot bin decreased by 1 pools this epoch.
To see the post for the current epoch, 224, see our post here.
For more information about the concepts and math behind this and past analyses (e.g. the meaning of k and d), as well as the full table that this chart was generated from, see our full post here.
Please also see our recent post showing how fees are taken out of stake pool block rewards here.
Epoch 226 (27 October - 01 November) network parameters:
Total stake
Registered pools
17.19B ₳
The stake snapshot for epoch 226 occurred on Thursday 22 October. The total staked ADA increased by 0.32% since the last epoch, up to 54.06%. We saw no change in the number of active pools this epoch - we’re still at 1117. The minimum stake required in order to expect to make a block decreased slightly to 1.66M ₳, leaving 66% of pools below this threshold. The number of pools falling into the 0-slot bin decreased by 13 pools this epoch.
To see the post for the current epoch, 225, see our post here.
For more information about the concepts and math behind this and past analyses (e.g. the meaning of k and d), as well as the full table that this chart was generated from, see our full post here.
Please also see our recent post showing how fees are taken out of stake pool block rewards here.
Note: Starting this epoch, we will be keeping all of our delegation analysis posts in a single thread. We will post updates to this thread every epoch.
Epoch 227 (01 November - 06 November) network parameters:
Total stake
Registered pools
17.25B ₳
The stake snapshot for epoch 227 occurred on Tuesday 27 October. The total staked ADA increased by 0.19% since the last epoch, up to 54.25%. We saw an increase in the number of active pools this epoch - up 4 pools to 1121. The minimum stake required in order to expect to make a block decreased slightly to 1.60M ₳, leaving 66% of pools below this threshold. The number of pools falling into the 0-slot bin increased by 3 pools this epoch.
To see the post for the current epoch, 226, see our post here.
For more information about the concepts and math behind this and past analyses (e.g. the meaning of k and d), as well as the full table that this chart was generated from, see our full post here.
Please also see our recent post showing how fees are taken out of stake pool block rewards here.
Epoch 228 (06 November - 11 November) network parameters:
Total stake
Registered pools
17.34B ₳
The stake snapshot for epoch 228 occurred on Sunday 01 November. The total staked ADA increased by 0.28% since the last epoch, up to 54.53%. We saw an increase in the number of active pools this epoch - up 9 pools to 1130. The minimum stake required in order to expect to make a block decreased slightly to 1.54M ₳, leaving 66% of pools below this threshold. The number of pools falling into the 0-slot bin increased by 5 pools this epoch.
To see the post for the current epoch, 227, see our post here.
For more information about the concepts and math behind this and past analyses (e.g. the meaning of k and d), as well as the full table that this chart was generated from, see our full post here.
Please also see our recent post showing how fees are taken out of stake pool block rewards here.
Epoch 229 (11 November - 16 November) network parameters:
Total stake
Registered pools
18.60B ₳
The stake snapshot for epoch 229 occurred on Friday 06 November. The total staked ADA increased by 3.97% since the last epoch, up to 58.50%. We saw an increase in the number of active pools this epoch - up 33 pools to 1163. The minimum stake required in order to expect to make a block decreased slightly to 1.59M ₳, leaving 67% of pools below this threshold. The number of pools falling into the 0-slot bin increased by 40 pools this epoch.
To see the post for the current epoch, 228, see our post here.
For more information about the concepts and math behind this and past analyses (e.g. the meaning of k and d), as well as the full table that this chart was generated from, see our full post here.
Please also see our recent post showing how fees are taken out of stake pool block rewards here.
Epoch 230 (16 November - 21 November) network parameters:
Total stake
Registered pools
18.73B ₳
The stake snapshot for epoch 230 occurred on Wednesday 11 November. The total staked ADA increased by 0.41% since the last epoch, up to 58.91%. We saw an increase in the number of active pools this epoch - up 37 pools to 1200. The minimum stake required in order to expect to make a block decreased slightly to 1.55M ₳, leaving 67% of pools below this threshold. The number of pools falling into the 0-slot bin increased by 16 pools this epoch.
To see the post for the current epoch, 229, see our post here.
For more information about the concepts and math behind this and past analyses (e.g. the meaning of k and d), as well as the full table that this chart was generated from, see our full post here.
Please also see our recent post showing how fees are taken out of stake pool block rewards here.
Epoch 231 (21 November - 26 November) network parameters:
Total stake
Registered pools
19.00B ₳
The stake snapshot for epoch 231 occurred on Monday 16 November. The total staked ADA increased by 0.85% since the last epoch, up to 59.76%. We saw a decrease in the number of active pools this epoch - down 6 pools to 1194. The minimum stake required in order to expect to make a block decreased slightly to 1.52M ₳, leaving 65% of pools below this threshold. The number of pools falling into the 0-slot bin decreased by 20 pools this epoch.
To see the post for the current epoch, 230, see our post here.
For more information about the concepts and math behind this and past analyses (e.g. the meaning of k and d), as well as the full table that this chart was generated from, see our full post here.
Please also see our recent post showing how fees are taken out of stake pool block rewards here.
Epoch 232 (26 November - 01 December) network parameters:
Total stake
Registered pools
19.07B ₳
The stake snapshot for epoch 232 occurred on Saturday 21 November. The total staked ADA increased by 0.21% since the last epoch, up to 59.97%. We saw an increase in the number of active pools this epoch - up 30 pools to 1224. The minimum stake required in order to expect to make a block decreased slightly to 1.47M ₳, leaving 64% of pools below this threshold. The number of pools falling into the 0-slot bin decreased by 1 pools this epoch.
To see the post for the current epoch, 231, see our post here.
For more information about the concepts and math behind this and past analyses (e.g. the meaning of k and d), as well as the full table that this chart was generated from, see our full post here.
Please also see our recent post showing how fees are taken out of stake pool block rewards here.
Epoch 233 (01 December - 06 December) network parameters:
Total stake
Registered pools
16.79B ₳
The stake snapshot for epoch 233 occurred on Thursday 26 November. The total staked ADA increased by 2.41% since the last epoch, up to 62.38%. We saw an increase in the number of active pools this epoch - up 1 pool to 1225. The minimum stake required in order to expect to make a block decreased slightly to 1.25M ₳, leaving 62% of pools below this threshold. The number of pools falling into the 0-slot bin decreased by 18 pools this epoch.
This will be the last epoch with k = 150. It will be very interesting to see how these plots change after the k increase (which reduces the pool saturation point to 63.87m ₳).
To see the post for the current epoch, 232, see our post here.
For more information about the concepts and math behind this and past analyses (e.g. the meaning of k and d), as well as the full table that this chart was generated from, see our full post here.
Please also see our recent post showing how fees are taken out of stake pool block rewards here.
Delegation Analysis for k = 150 (Special Edition!)
Below is an animation of the change in delegation distribution for the entire period of k = 150 (epochs 211 - 233).
The top plot shows the number of pools that were expected to make a certain number of blocks in the epoch. The number of pools falling into the 0-slot bin was cut off in this plot in order to make it easier to see the rest of the bins. This 0-slot count is shown in the middle plot. The bottom plot shows the stake required for a pool to expect to get elected to a slot, which is also the size of the bins for the histogram at the top (e.g. if the required stake is 2.00M ₳, then a pool must have at least 2M ₳ staked in order to expect to make 1 block during that epoch. A pool would be required to have 20M ₳ in order to expect to make 10 blocks).
We hope you find this data as interesting as we do, and we’re looking forward to seeing how this changes as k increases to 500!
Epoch 234 (06 December - 11 December) network parameters:
Total stake
Registered pools
17.02B ₳
The stake snapshot for epoch 234 occurred on Tuesday 01 December. The total staked ADA increased by 0.73% since the last epoch, up to 53.52%. We saw an increase in the number of active pools this epoch - up 38 pools to 1263. The minimum stake required in order to expect to make a block decreased slightly to 1.23M ₳, leaving 62% of pools below this threshold. The number of pools falling into the 0-slot bin increased by 20 pools this epoch.
To see the post for the current epoch, 233, see our post here.
For more information about the concepts and math behind this and past analyses (e.g. the meaning of k and d), as well as the full table that this chart was generated from, see our full post here.
Please also see our recent post showing how fees are taken out of stake pool block rewards here.
Epoch 235 (11 December - 16 December) network parameters:
Total stake
Registered pools
20.22B ₳
The stake snapshot for epoch 235 occurred on Sunday 06 December. The total staked ADA increased since the last epoch, up to 63.19%. We saw an increase in the number of active pools this epoch - up 29 pools to 1292. The minimum stake required in order to expect to make a block decreased slightly to 1.38M ₳, leaving 60% of pools below this threshold. The number of pools falling into the 0-slot bin decreased by 11 pools this epoch.
Important: There is still over 2.1B in ADA that is staked in oversaturated pools that is not eligible to earn rewards. If you are staked in a saturated pool, the rewards you earn will be reduced. Use sites like adafolio, PoolTool, and ADApools to find an unsaturated pool to move your stake to.
To see the post for the current epoch, 234, see our post here.
For more information about the concepts and math behind this and past analyses (e.g. the meaning of k and d), as well as the full table that this chart was generated from, see our full post here.
Please also see our recent post showing how fees are taken out of stake pool block rewards here.
There’s a lot of information to unpack here, so I made a video walking through what each of these plots are presenting here. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for our future posts! We’ll continue posting these graphics every epoch.
Note: If the graphic is cut off, right-click and select “Open Image in New Tab”
If you haven’t yet, check out our video walking through each of these plots here. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for our future posts!
Note: If the graphic is cut off, right-click and select “Open Image in New Tab”