The Epoch Delegation Analysis

Curiosity here! The pools, all 911 of them, that do not lay block-to-chain; do they get any sort of expense coverage? We definitely need as many nodes as can be for the sake of the ecosystem but I grow concerned over people bailing out, not because they lose hope, but simply don’t have the funds to operate.

Do you see that becoming a security and centralization issue as time wears on? :thinking:

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The network isn’t designed to support an infinite number of pools, so it won’t be financially viable for pools with very little stake to continue operating. This is largely controlled by the k parameter - the higher the k value, the more pools that can afford to operate. The k value will be doubling to 1000 next month, which will push stake to about twice as many pools.

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Decentralization: 88% (pending sign-off by IOG)

k parameter: 500

Total active stake: 23.0B ₳

Active pools: 1800

Saturated pools: 58

Oversaturated stake: 188M ₳

Pools expected to make 0 blocks: 984

Stake required to expect to make 1 block: 1.21M ₳

If you haven’t yet, check out our video walking through each of these plots here. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for our future posts!


Decentralization: 90% (pending sign-off by IOG)

k parameter: 500

Total active stake: 22.7B ₳

Active pools: 1867

Saturated pools: 53

Oversaturated stake: 316M ₳

Pools expected to make 0 blocks: 1040

Stake required to expect to make 1 block: 1.17M ₳

If you haven’t yet, check out our video walking through each of these plots here as well as our infographic explaining the staking rewards timeline. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for our future posts!


Decentralization: 92%

k parameter: 500

Total active stake: 22.7B ₳

Active pools: 1842

Saturated pools: 53

Oversaturated stake: 317M ₳

Pools expected to make 0 blocks: 1012

Stake required to expect to make 1 block: 1.14M ₳

If you haven’t yet, check out our video walking through each of these plots here as well as our infographic explaining the staking rewards timeline. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for our future posts!


Decentralization: 94%

k parameter: 500

Total active stake: 22.8B ₳

Active pools: 1930

Saturated pools: 54

Oversaturated stake: 481M ₳

Pools expected to make 0 blocks: 1086

Stake required to expect to make 1 block: 1.12M ₳

If you haven’t yet, check out our video walking through each of these plots here as well as our infographic explaining the staking rewards timeline and why you should use a hardware wallet. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for our future posts!


Note: IOHK announced that, due to operational issues, the d parameter (decentralization percentage) did not decrease this epoch. However, we are still on track to reach full decentralization on March 31st, as they will decrease d by 0.04 next epoch, bringing us up to 98% decentralization.

Decentralization: 94%

k parameter: 500

Total active stake: 22.9B ₳

Active pools: 2019

Saturated pools: 56

Oversaturated stake: 453M ₳

Pools expected to make 0 blocks: 1174

Stake required to expect to make 1 block: 1.13M ₳

If you haven’t yet, check out our video walking through each of these plots here as well as our infographic explaining the staking rewards timeline and why you should use a hardware wallet. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for our future posts!


Decentralization: 98%
k parameter: 500
Total active stake: 22.7B ₳
Active pools: 2094
Saturated pools: 56
Oversaturated stake: 432M ₳
Pools expected to make 0 blocks: 1240
Stake required to expect to make 1 block: 1.07M ₳

If you haven’t yet, check out our video walking through each of these plots here as well as our infographic explaining the staking rewards timeline and why you should use a hardware wallet. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for our future posts!


Happy d=0 day! Today, community-run stake pools begin making 100% of the blocks on the Cardano blockchain.

Decentralization: 100%

k parameter: 500

Total active stake: 22.5B ₳

Active pools: 2156

Saturated pools: 54

Oversaturated stake: 440M ₳

Pools expected to make 0 blocks: 1295

Stake required to expect to make 1 block: 1.04M ₳

If you haven’t yet, check out our video walking through each of these plots here. If you’re new to staking, be sure to read through our detailed Cardano Staking FAQ. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for our future posts!

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Decentralization: 100%

k parameter: 500

Total active stake: 22.7B ₳

Active pools: 2188

Saturated pools: 55

Oversaturated stake: 390M ₳

Pools expected to make 0 blocks: 1310

Stake required to expect to make 1 block: 1.05M ₳

If you haven’t yet, check out our video walking through each of these plots here. If you’re new to staking, be sure to read through our detailed Cardano Staking FAQ. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for our future posts!

In case you missed it, our staking reports were featured on IOG’s Twitter over the weekend!

We are also launching an NFT project with the goal of spotlighting community-run Stake Pool Operators by commemorating each block they mint as a unique trading card. Follow our adafolio Twitter account if interested!