I’ve cleaned up my Crypto Twitter list and renamed it to be Cardano specific. Let me know if I missed someone significant to our movement.
Cardano by @adamparish: https://twitter.com/adamparish/lists/cardano?s=09
I’ve cleaned up my Crypto Twitter list and renamed it to be Cardano specific. Let me know if I missed someone significant to our movement.
Cardano by @adamparish: https://twitter.com/adamparish/lists/cardano?s=09
MetaMask? What’s that got to do with Cardano?
So we can look up the list of all the Dapp that will be coming to Cardano once the project permits it,
I’m pretty happy with Yoroi, but I still hope Metamask might one day support Ada.
The wiki’s on twitter! https://twitter.com/CardanoWiki