Understanding The Benefits Of Decentralization - Part I

The adoption of blockchain technologies is slower than many people expected. In the efforts of people to deliver more attractive services for users, the most important thing is often forgotten, i.e. decentralization. Many projects even sacrificed decentralization for higher TPS. It’s important to remind people of the importance of decentralization and to know what characteristics distinguish blockchain from traditional financial services. This article will explain the properties of decentralization and its benefits to newbies. We will focus on the most important ones.

The article will be divided into two parts. In the second part, we will consider whether people are interested in the described benefits and why adoption is slow.

This article was prepared by Cardanians with support from Cexplorer.

Read the article: https://cexplorer.io/article/understanding-the-benefits-of-decentralization-part-i