Thanks a lot Alex! Everything was perfect with the relays but when I finished updating the BP and checked gLiveView.sh I got the following error message:

Any idea how to solve that ?

cardano-node - -version
cardano-cli - -version

The solution was to change the virtual box network setting from NAT to Bridged. It was a networking issue, perhaps with a touch of firewall. Hope this saves someone some time.

I found version 1.27 despite I did the update to 1.29 in details. Did I miss something?

nope, but I think the bash file has more paths… go to env file uncomment the first line CCLI and restart the node, in glive still shows you 1.27?

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Yes I uncommented the CCLI line and restarted but glive still shows the same error message.

what error?

This one :

nano ${HOME}/.bashrc
and show me the last lines (with exports)

Here it is :
Last lines of bash

looks ok, and if you tipe cardano-node --version
cardano-cli --version

cardano-node 1.27.0 - linux-x86_64 - ghc-8.10
cardano-cli 1.27.0 - linux-x86_64 - ghc-8.10

then try again to update… see if you are receiving errors
or try to copy the bin files from one node already updated

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Okay I will go with copying the bin file and let you know.

So, I tried updating the BP again and I noticed the following output when running “git checkout 1.29.0” command :
Checkout 129
Could the problem be related to that ?

Looks fine… try to compile the node… you mist see a lot of outputs with 1.29.0

Hi Alex, Thank you for your time, good job as always, worked perfectly.

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Thanks for putting this up Alex. As always, you’re the best. :slight_smile:

Got mine successfully upgraded before this guide, but I’m forwarding this thread around to others as a guide.

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do you would use

sudo systemctl status cnode.service to check if it is running and active

to stop the service use

sudo systemctl stop cnode.service

to restart the service

sudo systemctl restart cnode.service

or to start

sudo systemctl start cnode.service

Would you kindly help me with this matter, please?
Thanks a lot.