Delete the files (cardano-node + cardano-cli) and restart the node

Hello Alex,
Just a little question about the availability of my pool (VPS with 4 vCores and 8 Gb Ram):
I see that MEM (Live) is very smaller than MEM (Heap). And this MEM (Heap) is very close to 8 Gb.
I read in the Guild-operators:
Mem (Live) / (Heap)* - GC (Garbage Collector) values that show how much memory is used for live/heap data. A large difference between them (or the heap approaching the physical memory limit) means the node is struggling with the garbage collector and/or may begin swapping.*”
I wonder if my pool is really operational with 8 GB ?
As usual, many thanks for your answer :innocent:

It is operational, you have 8G physical RAM but you can increase it with SWAP file…
type free or free -g and share the output

PS: the above output is for producer right?
I see that you have peers IN/OUT you have transaction processes, so everything should be fine
I can’t see the KES informations from this picture

Yes, it’s the Producer :
Results for free command:

ok so you have also an 8G SWAP file… it’s ok the pool is working fine
you can check it also on pool.vet

Thanks again Alex. So, all I have to do is hope that the lottery of the protocol is favorable to me! :roll_eyes:

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and find a way to attract more delegators :slight_smile:

This is my weak point: I am my only delegator !!! :hot_face:

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not ok :frowning: if u have a small bag

You guessed!