Upgrade Cardano node version 8.0.0 for cntools users

ok fixed one occurance of “sleep 1”…
now no errors but screen clears and…


…caradano-node software upgrade canceled

i should also mention…i got permission denied on software.upgrade.sh so i chmod 755

also tried redowload…same error.

I don’t know… I used it few days ago and it worked for me and other people

but try to build it manually (the node)

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wiped and tried again…still says “software upgrade cancelled”

Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

running ./software_upgrade.sh

i get a permission denied.
can i just chmod 755 software_upgrade.sh?

and then try again?

ofcourse you must change the permision

Try to update it manually

STEP2 - building the node :

this commands will actually build/compile the node and will take around 40-45 minutes.

cd ~/tmp
git clone https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-node
cd cardano-node

git fetch --tags --all
git checkout 8.0.0

echo -e "package cardano-crypto-praos\n  flags: -external-libsodium-vrf" > cabal.project.local
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rebuilt everything…and redownloaded configs…seems to be working now…thanks for your help ALEX!

also, is it worth setting up p2p on a relay at this point? or should i wait a few months.
what and where needs to be configured?

Yes it is recommanded to use 1 relay in p2p mode.

Have to adjust the config.json and use a new topology file layout.

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These files are not working now. Thanks


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