What do I need to interact with a smart contract? Trying to get tokens out of ADAX contract but website down

What do I need to interact with a smart contract? Trying to get tokens out of ADAX contract but website down.

I was under impression that ADAX was a scam.
There is no contract, they stole everything and left some patsy to play CEO.
Here is a clip with “CEO” of ADAX admitting that it was a scam. :point_down:

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But there is a smart contract though? Is there some way to interact with a smart contract with a general ui?

Not sure what smart contract are you referring to. On Cardano tokens are not generated through a smart contract, they are native assets.
So if you mean ADAX token, then there is no contract, just policy ID.

ADAX token policy ID: 0c78f619e54a5d00e143f66181a2c500d0c394b38a10e86cd1a23c5f
You can view it here :point_down::

Was the “DEX” on https://adax.pro/ ever live?

Maybe, OP locked some tokens in that?

… which probably would be tough luck. Getting something out of a contract address without documentation is nigh impossible (even if the contract would in principle allow it which we cannot know … might also need some signature from admin or batcher).

That’s messed. I hate to say it, but Cardano is messed. Thanks for replying though.

Nothing to do with Cardano.
This is just a group of scammers going from blockchain to blockchain and stealing crypto.
They started with BTC, then ETH. Now they moved on to Solana.

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Well the website was live, if that’s what you mean.

It seems to be another portal to Exmarkets. Anything of value was just placed in their wallets and feed back from website was all fake.
Exmarkets github used to show Java, C# and Typescript only. ADAX had no code anywhere.

However, it may be possible that they actually had a real smart contract to which they had no access to and didn’t steal from… I guess :man_shrugging:.

If that is the case then OP needs to check that specific transaction and see where funds ended up.

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