What is Web 3.0 and why does that matter to your identity?

The internet is the greatest technological advance of our lifetime. While the benefits of technology to society and the economy are abundantly evident, there are several areas of learning and improvement that are currently steaming ahead.

A new transparent and secure model of internet Web 3.0 has been making headway in addressing the concerns associated with previous iterations of our online lives. And, it’s all happening with the help of blockchain technology, decentralized networks, and artificial intelligence

A Brief History
In Web 2.0 however, people started engaging more with the internet through comment features, chatrooms, and social media platforms. With more online exposure, the definition of identity changed as a digital print that the user left whenever they interacted with the internet. Web 2.0 had several problems, including users having little control over their data ownership and misuse of private data without consent.

What is Web 3.0?

The world wide web is now protected using several privacy-preserving technologies that are sophisticated and require in-depth knowledge to understand. Web 3.0 utilizes this technology to give users back control of their digital identities, by leveraging distributed, interoperable and self-sovereign applications.

One of the biggest advantages of Web 3.0 applications is that they are scalable and leave room for improvement. For instance, blockchain technology has emerged as one of the most reliable ways to secure users’ private data. Several Web 3.0 applications are now integrating the use of blockchain technology to create a secure and private identity management system.

I am curious to know if there is any platform that is making use of Web 3.0 to secure the digital Identity of an Individual?!

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Examples of Web 3.0 applications are Wolfram Alpha and Apple’s Siri , which can summarise large amounts of information into knowledge and useful actions for people.

thanks for sharing information.

Why do you need a blockchain for self-sovereign identities?

If I want to be able to prove something (identity, exam grades, employment, role in an organisation, …) this something has to be certified by the government, the school, the organisation, … using a well-known identity of theirs. They can just give me a digitally signed document and everything’s fine.

Why do we need a distributed ledger there? The ledger can just certify that it has seen the information, not that it is correct without a public-key infrastructure to verify such claims. But with such an infrastructure, we do not need the blockchain anymore and can spare the hassle.

And how should a technology that is maximally transparent – every full node always has the whole history of the blockchain – ever help in privacy. The only privacy-relevant topic here is to keep information that you want to keep private as far as possible away from a blockchain.