When do we need to move my cardano node to the latest version for the hard fork?

I’m just trying to keep up with when I need to get ready to do this. I am running 8.9.3 at the moment.

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Not yet, maybe in the next month. There is still some work to do.

But you can upgrade to 9. 0.0 to help get you ready.

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Oh okay, I didn’t know 9.0 was ready to download yet.

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This should have been updated two weeks ago to 8.9.4: https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-node/releases/tag/8.9.4
That version did a quite important hotfix to prevent spam attacks like the one happening a few days before that. And it was announced quite widely. Maybe follow some announcement channel – Telegram, IOG Discord, …

Anyway, now you can also go directly to 9.0.0. Observe that it will need a replay of the ledger, so the first start after the upgrade will take substantially longer. Don’t do it when you have a block scheduled!


Yeah I didn’t update since I had some blocks scheduled at the time but looks like it’s clear now so I could upgrade to 8.9.4, but sounds like i can do 9.0 also? Is there any downside skipping straight to 9.0? Does it just take longer is that it? Where can I download a binary for 9?

Is this the current version of 9?

Also when we download 9.0, I assume there is new config files that go with it?

I posted an upgrade guide if you’re using the Coincashew setup, otherwise there should be some other guides.

The only tweak is to change the config json to remove the conway genesis reference. There will be a new conway genesis when 9.1.0 comes out for the hardfork.

There is full replay for the upgrade to 9.0.0 so make sure you have time.

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I have to do always do a full replay right now unfortunately, starting the upgrade to 9.1.0 now, will let you know if I run into any issues.

I am getting this error when I try to run

CardanoProtocolInstantiationError (CardanoProtocolInstantiationConwayGenesisReadError (GenesisHashMismatch “de609b281cb3d8ae91a9d63a00c87092975612d603aa54c0f1c6a781e33d6e1e” “15a199f895e461ec0ffc6dd4e4028af28a492ab4e806d39cb674c88f7643ef62”))

cardano-node: Conway related : Wrong genesis file: the actual hash is “de609b281cb3d8ae91a9d63a00c87092975612d603aa54c0f1c6a781e33d6e1e”, but the expected genesis hash given in the node configuration file is "15a199f895e461ec0ffc6dd4e4028af28a492ab4e806d39cb674c88f7643ef62"Node configuration: NodeConfiguration {ncSocketConf

I downloaded the latest config files, or so I thought. Let me show you my conway-genesis file, I know you said to remove, but since it’s 9.1.0 I thought I didn’t have to?

make sure you get the new config file too.

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Yeah I made that mistake, just added that and it started doing the replay, just taking forever haha. In the meantime, what settings do you recommend for config.json

  "AlonzoGenesisFile": "alonzo-genesis.json",
  "AlonzoGenesisHash": "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874",
  "ByronGenesisFile": "byron-genesis.json",
  "ByronGenesisHash": "5f20df933584822601f9e3f8c024eb5eb252fe8cefb24d1317dc3d432e940ebb",
  "ConwayGenesisFile": "conway-genesis.json",
  "ConwayGenesisHash": "15a199f895e461ec0ffc6dd4e4028af28a492ab4e806d39cb674c88f7643ef62",
  "EnableP2P": true,
  "LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt": 0,
  "LastKnownBlockVersion-Major": 3,
  "LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor": 0,
  "MaxKnownMajorProtocolVersion": 2,
  "MinNodeVersion": "8.12.0",
  "PeerSharing": false,
  "Protocol": "Cardano",
  "RequiresNetworkMagic": "RequiresNoMagic",
  "ShelleyGenesisFile": "shelley-genesis.json",
  "ShelleyGenesisHash": "1a3be38bcbb7911969283716ad7aa550250226b76a61fc51cc9a9a35d9276d81",
  "TargetNumberOfActivePeers": 20,
  "TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers": 50,
  "TargetNumberOfKnownPeers": 100,
  "TargetNumberOfRootPeers": 100,
  "TraceAcceptPolicy": true,
  "TraceBlockFetchClient": false,
  "TraceBlockFetchDecisions": false,
  "TraceBlockFetchProtocol": false,
  "TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised": false,
  "TraceBlockFetchServer": false,
  "TraceChainDb": true,
  "TraceChainSyncBlockServer": false,
  "TraceChainSyncClient": false,
  "TraceChainSyncHeaderServer": false,
  "TraceChainSyncProtocol": false,
  "TraceConnectionManager": true,
  "TraceDNSResolver": true,
  "TraceDNSSubscription": true,
  "TraceDiffusionInitialization": true,
  "TraceErrorPolicy": true,
  "TraceForge": true,
  "TraceHandshake": true,
  "TraceInboundGovernor": true,
  "TraceIpSubscription": true,
  "TraceLedgerPeers": true,
  "TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol": false,
  "TraceLocalConnectionManager": true,
  "TraceLocalErrorPolicy": true,
  "TraceLocalHandshake": true,
  "TraceLocalRootPeers": true,
  "TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol": false,
  "TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer": false,
  "TraceMempool": true,
  "TraceMux": false,
  "TracePeerSelection": true,
  "TracePeerSelectionActions": true,
  "TracePublicRootPeers": true,
  "TraceServer": true,
  "TraceTxInbound": false,
  "TraceTxOutbound": false,
  "TraceTxSubmissionProtocol": false,
  "TracingVerbosity": "NormalVerbosity",
  "TurnOnLogMetrics": true,
  "TurnOnLogging": true,
  "defaultBackends": [
  "defaultScribes": [
  "hasEKG": 12788,
  "hasPrometheus": [
  "minSeverity": "Info",
  "options": {
    "mapBackends": {
      "cardano.node.metrics": [
      "cardano.node.resources": [
    "mapSubtrace": {
      "cardano.node.metrics": {
        "subtrace": "Neutral"
  "rotation": {
    "rpKeepFilesNum": 10,
    "rpLogLimitBytes": 5000000,
    "rpMaxAgeHours": 24
  "setupBackends": [
  "setupScribes": [
      "scFormat": "ScText",
      "scKind": "StdoutSK",
      "scName": "stdout",
      "scRotation": null

for my relay I noticed it had peersharing:true in the past and it lowered the target root peers to 60, should I keep that setting or leave it on the default it has here?

I was doing some research, apparently peersharing:true is still experimental, for some reason I had it on maybe from a guide recommending it, but it helps to make it more likely to find the peers? Also lowering to 60 seems to be advised to save on resources?

I would leave it as default, the only thing I change on my relays is turning tracemempool back on.

And I would leave peersharing on, given it is default now, but don’t put it on your BP.

Well, good news I got it up and running just in time and just won a block :).

Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 3.35.39 PM

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I found this link useful to upgrade to 9.2.1

Did someone try that?
