Which wallet can interact with Plutus smart contracts directly?

Hi Plutus Pioneers! :slight_smile:

It is possible to interact with contracts using datums and cardano-cli. It is possible to send tokens to smart contracts with any wallet.

But which wallet: Deadalus, Yoroi, Nami, Flint, Eternl or any can interact with smart contracts directly and using datum without third party application that uses cardano-cli?

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Would love it, but have never seen it.

In principle, they, of course, could. If a dApp connects to it, all except Daedalus do smart contract transactions perfectly well.

But none of them has a UI to build such transactions. They are just able to get it through the dApp connector.


It is possible to interact with contracts using datums and cardano-cli.

Doing some self-advertisement. I was annoyed of using the cardano-cli and thus created a transaction editor to simplify that process, it ended up becoming a wallet on its own.

I recorded some videos showing it, maybe that workflow fits you well.

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Definitely, your wallet addresses the question I raised Cardano Wallet interface and Spending from Scripts - YouTube :slight_smile: