I do not have any incomming connectio to my nr-server.
Why can that be ?
And why do i have 50 outgoing connections?
Also, do i have 2 relay nodes running or one, since i have 2 live view windows in the terminal ?
I do not have any incomming connectio to my nr-server.
Why can that be ?
And why do i have 50 outgoing connections?
Also, do i have 2 relay nodes running or one, since i have 2 live view windows in the terminal ?
add your relays inside BP topology file + run topology updater script on relays, only these services
running on p2p you will not need this service because it will overwrite your p2p topology file
This is how my topology file looks like on the bp:
"localRoots": [
"accessPoints": [],
"advertise": false,
"valency": 1
"publicRoots": [
"accessPoints": [
"address": "preprod-node.world.dev.cardano.org",
"port": 30000
"advertise": false
"useLedgerAfterSlot": 4642000
Where should i add my relays?
These scripts are commands that i should run ?:
How do i stop the p2p ?
Best regards,
If i understand right, i should change the address to the ip of my node relay & the port that says 30000 now, to 6000 ?:
“address”: “preprod-node.world.dev.cardano.org”,
“port”: 30000
then i run the scripts you gave me to update the topology file?
Best regards,
Or u can add also the relays
like this ?
"address": "IP",
"port": 6000
Maybe i should change the topology file to this, so that it is not p2p:
"Producers": [
"addr": "x.x.x.x",
"port": 6000,
"valency": 1
Best regards,
ok, but you will need to set inside config files p2p to false
Good day,
I have changed the topology file now to:
"Producers": [
"addr": "x.x.x.x",
"port": 6000,
"valency": 1
& i have changed p2p to false, in config file.
Where do i type these commands that you sent me, didnt work in the prompt:
running on p2p you will not need this service because it will overwrite your p2p topology file
Best regards,
if u set p2p to false u don’t need to do anything else
Thank you, i am very grateful for all the help you, and a few more on this forum have given me. You are the best, i have learned alot and still learning.