Active Stake 0

For information :

cardano-cli query leadership-schedule \
--mainnet \
--genesis $NODE_HOME/shelley-genesis.json \
--stake-pool-id $(cat $NODE_HOME/stakepoolid.txt) \
--vrf-signing-key-file $NODE_HOME/vrf.skey \

return no error.

I saw in this post that without any stake I should get Command failed: query leadership-schedule Error: The stake pool: "...pool_id.." has no stake
Command failed: query leadership-schedule Error: The stake pool: “…pool_id…” has no stake - Staking & Delegation / Setup a Stake Pool - Cardano Forum

However, no leadership expected :

SlotNo                          UTC Time

I also audited my node configuration using Auditing Your nodes configuration - CoinCashew
No problem detected.