Command failed: query leadership-schedule Error: The stake pool: "...pool_id.." has no stake

I created a new pool on Preview network just 10 hours ago but i keep getting an error when i try cardano-cli query leadership-schedule. I have of course used the faucet to delegate funds to it. Do I need to wait maybe the next epoch to query the leader schedule?

Command failed: query leadership-schedule Error: The stake pool: "...pool_id.." has no stake

cardano-cli query leadership-schedule --testnet-magic 2 --genesis shelley-genesis.json --stake-pool-id "...pool_id.." --vrf-signing-key-file vrf.skey --current

note: The command works fine with an older preview pool.

You need to wait about 12 more days until it will return some results. The stake needs to be active, and the progress in that epoch (25) must be 70% or more.

Looks like I’ll just have to wait then. Thanks mate!

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