Apology and truce proposal

I can’t actually speak for the others on my side of the split, but I believe there’s a very good chance they will agree with what I’m saying.

Negotiation requires compromise, so I suggest this:

I will drop the demand that existing media be edited or deleted.

However, I will not promise that I will never be an ambassador. But I won’t be in the first tranche, and will seriously consider the wider ramifications, and consult with both community and officials, before I ever accept a nomination.

I feel it should be absolutely clear (though already implied in my previous post), you must promise not to repeat or again link to claims that you know are contentious, such as the estimate of work done per person or group during the Parsons campaign. Similarly, no more reference to “core group”, “groups A and B”, or the like. I (almost certainly we) will also avoid making any potentially provocative comments regarding that period.

Also, I think we need to agree to no more attacks on people, as opposed to ideas. Emotions will probably continue to run high for some time – we must not give way to them. Ideally, we’d be taking that for granted, but I think it needs to be made explicit here.