ApplyTxError [LedgerFailure (UtxowFailure (MissingVKeyWitnessesUTXOW))]

Hello there, we’re running through the same issue here.
We created, funded and registrered a Daedalus wallet but we inappropriately made a 10 ADA out transaction through Daedalus a couple of days later using pool wallet. This changed our pledge wallet address, right? Am i going to see my pledge wallet not certified for the next epoch or so?

I was rebuilding pool certificate to add a relay when this error showed up, i traced balance and utxo and i found by Daedalus and cli query that:
Original pool wallet (top listed USED in daedalus) shows 0 ada and 0 tx (bit of a heart attack there…)
New daedalus address (second listed USED in daedalus) shows current correct balance (pledge + little margin) and 1 tx (possibly our 10 ada out)
First Receive address in daedalus (first white address, to be used) shows 0 and 0

My plan is to try and resend pledge and pool certificates using:

  • original pool keys
  • new daedalus address as payment address (the one showing correct stake and 1 utxo), and never make pool pledge wallet transactions through daedalus again
  • immutable reward address
    and that should be working fine without paying 500 ADA registration fee again, am i right? I should succeed without practically creating new wallet and retransfer pledge funds, correct?

My cold keys are not compromised nor ever overwritten, so i don’t think i need to recreate a new pool from scratch and all the regenerated certificates on cold machine could (and should) be overwritten without compromising anything, bux fixing everything instead…
