ApplyTxError [UtxowFailure (WrappedShelleyEraFailure (UtxoFailure (OutputTooSmallUTxO

Here are my commands.

My balance.
 TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
ab5fec3e6e7f9f36fd21a046b2f9e3429ffe5d7a56a77c04c929d59fb0c68e90     0        99806119 lovelace + 1000000000 33c9aac796acbbb80517409fea79b225b6197e2bb419018fec8bc36c.6564756c616464657254657374436f696e33 + TxOutDatumNone


cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
--fee 193881 \
--tx-in ab5fec3e6e7f9f36fd21a046b2f9e3429ffe5d7a56a77c04c929d59fb0c68e90#0 \
--tx-out addr_test1qz7m5acanhr4t7tqugpceqk90dgmxey29vgg569xlszysgyvdm7hkdy4dtdmsvxg3gc0ddg52etkffmf0sx4rl5zwv7s400dmf+99612238+"1000000000 $(cat policy/tokens/" \
--tx-out $(cat payment.addr)+0+"0 $(cat policy/tokens/" \
--out-file alien_babies_tx.raw

Sign the transaction.

cardano-cli transaction sign \
 --signing-key-file payment.skey \
 --testnet-magic 1097911063 \
 --tx-body-file alien_babies_tx.raw \
 --out-file alien_babies_tx.signed

And submit.

cardano-cli transaction submit \
 --tx-file  alien_babies_tx.signed \
--testnet-magic 1097911063

I am getting this error.
Command failed: transaction submit Error: Error while submitting tx: ShelleyTxValidationError ShelleyBasedEraAlonzo (ApplyTxError [UtxowFailure (WrappedShelleyEraFailure (UtxoFailure (OutputTooSmallUTxO [(Addr Testnet (KeyHashObj (KeyHash "a05592ed99d1404223cb74432b772ed4e676997d9a01610e388dad2c")) StakeRefNull,Value 0 (fromList []),SNothing)])))])

This output is 0. Just omit it.

If i use like this.
> --tx-out $(cat payment.addr)+0 \ The same error is coming.
Command failed: transaction submit Error: Error while submitting tx: ShelleyTxValidationError ShelleyBasedEraAlonzo (ApplyTxError [UtxowFailure (WrappedShelleyEraFailure (UtxoFailure (OutputTooSmallUTxO [(Addr Testnet (KeyHashObj (KeyHash "a05592ed99d1404223cb74432b772ed4e676997d9a01610e388dad2c")) StakeRefNull,Value 0 (fromList []),SNothing)])))])

If i try to excicute the command like this.

cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
> --fee 193881 \
> --tx-in ab5fec3e6e7f9f36fd21a046b2f9e3429ffe5d7a56a77c04c929d59fb0c68e90#0 \
> --tx-out addr_test1qz7m5acanhr4t7tqugpceqk90dgmxey29vgg569xlszysgyvdm7hkdy4dtdmsvxg3gc0ddg52etkffmf0sx4rl5zwv7s400dmf+99612238+"1000000000 $(cat policy/tokens/" \
> --tx-out $(cat payment.addr) \
> --out-file alien_babies_tx.raw

It is telling me that.

option --tx-out: 
unexpected end of input
expecting white space, "+" or multi-asset value expression

You are still having this in there. Just omit it completely. Do not give that line at all.

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Thank you its worked.

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