Building new transaction, which TxHash should I use

Hi to all,
I am trying to build a raw transaction that sends both Ada and my tokens, and I am wondering which TxHash should I use if I have multiple. For example:

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
4be799d0a90a56a96cf0ad7048fe83e31a3a3545727662b9bddc48f8ad3d4183     1        979651134 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone
eee2beef80adb1390ed881910243cfb7fa9d22d867c47fe9165474be7a012891     0        1345000 lovelace + 10000 ca507e9a6db2daf589692faf5c532347e7ef138dcc647d1aa79b8d08.REVUTEST + TxOutDatumHashNone

Also, what is the input amount of lovelace in this case? is it 979651134 or 979651134 + 1345000?

Thank you,

Hi! @Dorijan_Jelincic !
You can either just use the TX 0 as IN with the 1345000 + tokens.
Or you use both TX as IN if you want to send all the lovelace (979651134+1345000) + tokens.