pool ticker is Nobi
what’s definition about loosing blocks ?
my node always sync on relay node and block producer node
and i want to say that my block producer not minted yet block, Alex
yes, should be a reasson… now… did u ran the cncli learderlog to check for the blocks assigned?
you will need to check the logs to see what is the issue, sometimes there are issues with the certificate after rotating the KES
you can try to rotate again, you also can use coincashew guide
check my above post… yes, try to rotate the KES 3 times, and then copy the new certificate to the live producer… and restart the node
and yes, better to install cncli and run it every epoch, this way you will know how many blocks were assigned to you and which one you missed in case u will miss one
so, in another words, i have to generate KES pair key before i generate new node.cert , right ?
and then, what’s the meaning about “try to rotate the KES 3 times, and then copy the new certificate to the live producer” ?
i mean that Do I immediately generate 3 times within 5 minutes or do I try to rotate the case with a different period of 1 day?
what is the approximate timeframe for rotating the KES period 3 times?