Cardano Ballot Now Open-Source - Developers Invited To Develop Front-End Solutions

Cardano Ballot Now Open-Source - Developers Invited To Develop Front-End Solutions

Hello Developers,

We’re excited to share that the Cardano Foundation has recently open-sourced Cardano Ballot—a hybrid voting system that seamlessly merges on-chain and off-chain elements.

Among the latest updates, we’ve introduced stake-based voting for CIP-1694 temperature checks and the integration of Hydra and Aiken Smart Contracts which were first used in tallying votes for the Cardano Summit Awards.

Cardano Ballot is not a white-labels solution. It requires your expertise to create a user interface, as it comes with backend services only. This is an invitation for frontend developers to innovate and create bespoke interfaces based on our example projects.

Note: We aim to complement, not compete with community projects.

We hereby invite you to explore the repo, see how it works and think about how you could use or improve it.

Many thanks and greetings from the Cardano Foundation Community Team!