Cardano Block Explorer project -

we thought the 6 day time period of the epoch made for a great way to get a view of the overall network status / usage over it’s lifespan

Yes, I agree its a useful way to see how the network is trending. I should have been more specific and referenced I was hoping to see how its trending related to industry metrics as well.

I know there is limited value to TPS as a metric, but for me it helps ground where our network usage is relative to the other ones out there. I’ll be celebrating once we get to 1 TPS per second :slight_smile:

Thanks for hearing me out!

Project Update - We’ve been excited to see the roll of in the community, and growing in importance as a essential Cardano resource and reference. Given the progress of smart contracts and light wallets, we are updating our project roadmap and vision and go beyond our MVP. In fact, we’re looking to take some big next steps, and if you’re interested in supporting a next generation block explorer, please get in touch.

Improvements - Recently, and thanks to @vantuz-subhuman several critical updates have been found and addressed. A major issue involves the handling of a certain problem address. The issue is also faced by the official explorer and results in displaying inaccurate balance amounts. A case like this highlights the value of independent community projects with active development as way to ensure checks and balances in the system.


Hi Folks,

TL:DR - We are looking for some help maintaining and developing ADATracker.

As many in the community know were expecting Cardano to be a bit further along than they are now. While good things take time, ADATracker was built in hopes of receiving a modicum of funding from staking and treasury funds. As it turns out support is still coming, and changes with Cardano codebase means keeping things running is more work than time has been available.

If you are a developer interested in a project for the Cardano community and future of Cardano, PM me.

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How is this different from Are there any additional features at the moment?

Offer still open, PM me if interested.

What development languages are used by I’m fairly good at PHP.

HI, I am a developer, but a bit of a novice with these technologies, so I’m learning. I have a question… I am creating a website - and in the section which explains what an “epoch” is I want to put “the current epoch and slot is” and then show the current numbers. Would it be possible for your block explorer website to include an API? If it had an API you could provide a toolset for other websites to find stuff, perhaps including my epoch and slot? If not, is there a way to get it without installing and running a full SL? Ta

This contains cbeEpoch and cbeSlot values, complete explorer API here


Thanks VERY much for the quick reply. I will do some exploring. Its just for fun, but its been truly rewarding so far :slight_smile: