Cardano Catalyst Voting

Hi, I am using Catalyst app first time for voting, I generated the QR code from my Daedalus wallet, but, I am not able to register for fund12, is it because I was never participated in voting prior to fund 12 ? when I scan my QR code in Catalyst app, it shows a message that “we could not find your wallet in the snapshot for this fund”
appreciate any feedback or ideas on how I can register for fund 12

thank you for your reply, is there any event which is going to happen after 3 months which will allow me to participate in voting ? how do I make sure i do not miss that ?

Which reply? There is no public reply here. Be very cautious with private messages. And flag them if they start asking for seed phrases or want to guide you to strange websites.

The proposal submission for Fund12 has just started.

The voting power snapshot will be on 18th June: Until then wallets can be registered for voting.

Right now, my app tells me my voting power from an intermediate snapshot just a few hours ago. Does it also work for you now? If not, it might be that it only considers registrations from last fund. Can maybe be fixed. But the important thing is the snapshot in June, anyway.


  1. Registrations :
  2. Details : Fund12
  3. Past Funded Analysis F2 - F12:
  4. Cardano Catalyst Voting - A Comprehensive Guide