Cardano-cli: Network.Socket.connect: <socket: 11>: does not exist (No such file or directory)

Hello to you and hope you are alright: I’m trying to get a budgetary and reasonable set of machines and other components, Hence, would you please take a look at this scheme and share your opinion. Thanks in advance!
Screenshot (57)

I’m the wrong guy to ask, as I’m new to setting up relays and BPs. I think practice with the testnet will inform as to what works best if the testnet is a good representation of the real thing. I would do research on it first, see what others are saying on various forums, including youtube about mainnet.

Looks like you got a good price though, although I haven’t purchased computers recently, so I’m not up to speed on current used prices.

The KVM switch is a practical addition -will save you time.

You want low latency from what I’ve heard, so if you’re just ‘testnetting’ now, regular cable is OK, but if you plan to do the real set up, it might be better to consider FIOS for less downtime and lower latency, if it’s not to expensive to set up in your area. You have to weight the costs and see if its worth it…but that can wait until you see how your current setup performs.

The offline machine can be a little laptop or similar - you don’t need full size desktop for that. Preferably with wifi card permanently disabled (maybe this is doable from the BIOS?) or removed. I just store my keys on encrypted USBs and I have lots of redundant copys of the same data. Also, when I sign transactions, nothing gets saved to the offline computer’s drive - everything is done in memory. In fact you don’t need a hard drive on the offline computer - you can probably use a live USB or CD to store it from memory to your encrypted USB, but a safe distro, like TAILS, if you want to go ‘overboard’.

Also, you probably want to set up a firewall on your BP and relay and/or on your router.

Also, if your going to pledge a large amount, it’s better to have two relays for redundancy in case one fails I suppose because the relays protect the BP. The last thing I would add to this set up is battery back up which usually also includes surge protection, so that you protect you computers from outages for at least a long enough time to overcome most power outtages. 10 to 15 minutes?

The price is good it seems. Have you used the testnet first, or is this your production setup?

Again, I’m guessing at this stuff, as I haven’t even setup a working BP and relay communicating together - they work fine seperately, but not together - my setup need port forwarding, but since your relay and BP are on the same network; e.g., you probably don’t need it. For example on my home network, I can ping any computer on the network from any other computer, so my router does not block traffic within my network/LAN. If you can ping your relay from your BP or vice versa, then you don’t need port forwarding I suppose, but again…I’m new to this stuff. I learning as you are :slight_smile:

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I got this error:
HandshakeError (Refused NodeToClientV_9 “version data mismatch: NodeToClientVersionData {networkMagic = NetworkMagic {unNetworkMagic = 8}} /= NodeToClientVersionData {networkMagic = NetworkMagic {unNetworkMagic = 42}}”)

then ran using --testnet-magic 8 and got:
“epoch”: 167,
“hash”: “023cac6dc07a9a8735b53c48c37bd4d13344ea7ce9e87d0c2574e03d164d993a”,
“slot”: 1199175,
“block”: 56871,
“era”: “Alonzo”,
“syncProgress”: “56.88”

What’s happening?
What exactly is “testnet-magic”?

The command ran successfully when you made that adjustment and the results are your node’s sync status on the testnet chain. Once it’s fully synced, the results would match the latest blocks/slots.

You can run your node on the testnet which that command specifies or you can run it on the production network with the “-mainnet” variable.

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Thank you so much for clarifying that!

I had a similar situation with Network.Socket.connect: socket:11

  • ENV Prerequrements: Ubuntu 2004 WSL on Windows 10
  • Resolution: Delete $HOME/cardano/db folder
  • execite function : cardano-node run…(etc)

Questions: This is my test env, and deleting DB on testNet goes without consequences. I don’t know what are consequences deleting /db folder on mainnet env.

deleting the db will force the node to sync (download) again the full blockchain

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