" cardano-cli: Network.Socket.connect: <socket: 11>: does not exist (No such file or directory) "

Go to cardano-my-node folder type ls - l and show me the both env file name… u didn’t updated the nodes to 1.31.0

Nope, u are not :slight_smile:
type mv env_1630865007 env
nano env
and uncomment the line (delete # from the beginning) for checking updates and set to N; should look like this

save the file and check again on glive

PS: u can delete the above picture… the username is visible

PSS: after u will update the node to 1.32.0 (coming soon) don’t forget to comment again the line in env file

Really i did a check again and my node version is 1.30.1 So should i upgrade to 1.31.0 ? But the Coincashew tutorial is not updated :sob:

I know but you can keep 1.30.1 til 1.32.0 will be released… did edited the env file?

Yes i did it but glive won’t boot ! It is still telling me to update the node !

ok, inside the cardano-my-node how many env files do you have now? only 2 right?

type again mv env_bkpxxx env
then go inside env and uncomment the Update Check line and set to N
save the file and start gLive again (should work 100%)

I wanted to compltely remove it and reinstall it but i don’t know how to proceed ! Maybe it will solve my issue

check my above WA, you don’t have an issue, in fact your issue was insufficient RAM

If you still want to upgrade the nodes, I am not stopping you

wooowwwww !! thanks dude ! You solved all my issues. Thanks a looot !!! I’m so happy right now

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you are welcome :beers:

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