Cardano Webcast technical difficulties

Anyone else have technical difficulties with the Cardano webcast? I was logged in and viewing the webcast, it became choppy, then I got booted. When I logged back in, I could see how many people were viewing, but I had no sound or video.

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same here, but then after about 5 mins there was a link to Facebook live version…

I switched to Facebook. The whole presentation is there.

Facebook is the enemy of decentralization.
I deleted my account long ago and signed off by saying:
Long Live Big Brother.
Long Live Facebook.
Long Live Big Brother.

I signed up to view the webcast in order to determine if there were any reason I might not want to invest in ADA. Hmm???

Cardano is not responsible for the webcast other than providing content! It was recorded, to be available on the same page as the live stream, I’d try that (probably will myself in fact).

I will take your good advice Rob and watch the recorded event on the same page. I tried it, but it hadn’t been uploaded yet.
However, I have to disagree with you. Cardano is ultimately responsible for getting their message out. Cardano chose this platform.

lesson learned i hope

I run a lot of webinars and I’ve found that there really isn’t webinar software that can handle 5,000+ attendees. Webinar Jam, Crowdcast, Demio, Webinar Ninja, etc, all have issues. I think YouTube live is the way to go since they have the infrastructure to support streams of this size.

Perhaps they should set up a landing page, collect email addresses, and send out a notification when they go live on YouTube. I hope they plan on using the emails they collected for marketing purposes, otherwise there is no reason to use a webinar platform.


What was the link? Im new to Facebook , just want to hear the webcast - thanks

You mean like every decentralized video producer that is able to get the job done with a budget of a few hundred bucks?

Not that Youtube is any better than Facebook when it comes to what our community is trying to accomplish.