Command failed: transaction build-raw Error: A script provided to witness minting does not correspond to the policy id of any asset specified in the "--mint" field. The script hash is:

I have not been able to figure this out, hoping to get a bit of help. I am on windows using command prompt.

Trying to run a transaction to test mint a NFT via the cardano cli

cardano-cli transaction build-raw --tx-in TX#0 --tx-out addr+2481456+0 --mint 1 --mint-script-file nft_policy.json --fee 185444 --metadata-json-file nft_meta.json --out-file nft_tx

When I run this I get this error.

Command failed: transaction build-raw Error: A script provided to witness minting does not correspond to the policy id of any asset specified in the “–mint” field. The script hash is: 4a4d27f118784846b1c582192d22c1549dbc6ff9652795cc07d9d7d0

this is the code in my nft_policy.json

“type”: “all”,
“scripts” :[
“keyHash”: “mykeyhash”,
“type”: “sig”

Any kind of help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

The policy hash does not match so it looks like Cardano is working as designed?